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Does this situation mean anything good or bad to either parties

Started by prenticect, Jan 04, 2010, 03:41:01 PM

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OK, the mom and I are parting ways; but we currently are living together.  She wants to move back to MA but I do not see how\why I would "allow" her and both boys to move out of state like that.  We currently live in TX.. and I like seeing my boys not seeing them once a month.

Given this, she is not intending on doing anything like finding\getting a job, finding a place to live, etc.  She wants to court to decide what will happen and then go figure it out.

If needed she is going to live with friends.  I am unsure what friends this would be.

Is any of this OK?  I will be filiing the petition to keep the boys in the state first.

I am unsure how this works overall.  She is going to go for full custody and right now my job I travel so I can not be home every night.  Even thought I am looking and trying to change jobs but it is not easy.

Is what she doing even make sense?  is this not really going to make her look really bad in court?  I am just confused my these actions.


Do you have someone who can watch the children for you while you are out of town for your job? Preferably a relative like a grandparent or aunt/uncle. I would suggest making sure you have all your ducks in a row before heading to court. If the judge can see that you would be providing a stable environment with extended family support, then that should look better than someone dragging the children out of their home into an unknown environment. Courts generally like to maintain stability for children and the more stable you can make yourself appear, the better.