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Any grounds for EO?

Started by dipper, Mar 22, 2006, 10:49:54 AM

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On the basis that the BM has flipped out?  In recent months, bm has taken visitation time away from dh, she has started timing phone calls, she is insulting...sent several letters that contain some form of threat or accusation....not physical, but "you better stop complaining or...", or saying she will badger ss about every minute he is in our home, etc.

She blatanly stated that she is not going along with the court order as things may need to be altered.  To fit her of course.  They share joint legal  with no specifications set forth...and she refuses to tell dh of any appts, or school meetings.  The school is having its own problems notifying dh and we have let them know strongly that its against the law.

Every letter she sends is rude and always invariably demands money.

She will not let dh know about any meetings or appts.  He has asked in writing.  She only got worse, she doesnt even tell him afterwards now.  Did not send a copy of his recent interim grades, etc.  

SS is suspended from school.  CO says visitation is not limited to specifics and ss can come when not in school...she refuses to let him come.  WE live 2 hours away and dh was seeing ss today, but she would not let him bring him home - her mother had plans with him.  They live with her mother!!   She has him 5 days a week.  When dh tried to discuss it, she told him that ss is not coming because she said so and hung up!  This is typical behavior for her.  

DH picked ss up today for a deposition hearing concerning ss' burn injurires.  This is a suit dh pursued as bm decided to become best friends with the families involved - after the burns and after she knew dh was looking into a lawsuit.  This was last year.

Now, she was told in word and writing that he would pursue a lawsuit.  She was notified in writing about the deposition and responded, no protests.  Today, she follows them to the lawyer's office and goes off.

She cursed dh in front of the laywer....demanded that if he went in than she was going in.  She is not a party to the suit and had not been summonsed.  The lawyer actually threatened to call police, but she threatened to take ss and leave.  SS chose to speak with lawyer, so she could not block that.  However, dh asked lawyer to speak with ss alone and then with him.

BM had her lawyer there to represent someone else summonsed for the other side!!

DH did say they are in the meeting now...I called...oops, and she is not there.

But, what is going on?  WE have not gotten a signed court order from our defeat in January......we can appeal to circuit court once we have this.  

It appears, bm is flipping out though.  She is becoming extremely irrational.  And volatile.  


I hate to make a suggestion that might be .... bad.... but... thinking here is it POSSIBLE that the reason that Mom is wigging out and doesn't want the lawsuit to go forward is SHE HAS ALREADY received money from the 'party' and just hasn't told you guys about it? Is it possible that they have a private settlement w/ her and she hasn't told you guys about it so she is getting this money from them and she doesn't want you to file  as you will find out about it?

I am so sorry to suggest that... I have been reading your story for a while and I feel SO SO SO sorry for your SS. That poor kid needs to get the heck out of the home he is in as it is dangerous!! And the Judge is negligent for not doing something about that!

And as for grandma having him during suspension, he should be at home or with a parent, not out w/ grandma. This is serious!! *smacks head*

Good luck... I wish you every ounce of luck in the world that this goes your way!


Well, today under oath, the mother of the kicker did say that while ss was in the hospital, the other families, bm and dh talked and discussed splitting costs three ways.  Funny -dh did not take part in this.   I do remember ss saying one week after he was released that the other mothers had came over and told his mother if she needed any money, to let them know.

The child that kicked the fire onto ss did tell the truth. He was the only person on that side that did.

BM continued to act horribly.  She kept attempting to boss the attorney, and when he asked why she was against her own son being reimbursed for all his pain - she said that dh was the enemy and that this wasnt right.  She did however tell the lawyer how she thinks ss' money should be treated if he gets any.

The lawyer had her pegged from beginning....he asked dh - she isnt financially stable, is she?  DH told him, no, she lost her apt and is living with her parents.

I think she is so obsessed with hurting dh and dominating him in every way, that she is coming unglued to do it.  I am sure she thought she showed who was boss today, but she really showed what an *ss she is.

But, the good thing is that the lawyer felt very confident that the day went in ss' favor.  For all of bm's tactics, her doing really came out to ss' benefit.  This would have never came this far had things been done right to begin with...her interfering made it escalate to this.