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my ex-inlaws were given temp custody of daughter I wasn't informed!!!

Started by rmac, Apr 29, 2006, 08:01:24 PM

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My ex was arrested in 2004 for posession of meth. In 2005 she had 2 dfcs cases for dirty drug screens. Recently my daughter told my grandmother that someone came and took hair from her mother's head. Now today I found out that they took my daughter and gave temporary protective custody to my ex's parents.

I'm sure that the details gave to me are not exactly accurate as they are coming from the ex. I believe that it is a police investigation is why they came to her house for the drug screening my ex says it's because she failed to finish her drug classes.

My question is why wasn't I informed and why didn't they give me the temporary custody as I have communicated, not recently however, with dcfs and let them know that I am willing to help in anyway possible and would want custody of my daughter should she be taken away.

I cannot afford a lawyer or I would already hired one to gain custody.

Can anyone help me understand what is going on.
I am from Georgia


It is my understanding of Ga law that DCSF can place a child with anyone they choose (including foster care) if it is done on an emergancy basis, but they do need to notify you and there should be a hearing within 30 days for permanent placement.  I could misunderstand but this is what I understood the situation to be when I was looking it up/ reviewing it for a friend however it does not mention CP incarciration so it may be a little different.  I would certainly be doing some searching of the GA State Code and find the actual laws governing DCFS because if they are anything like they are here in PA they like to push the law and often get away with it.  Good luck to you!


Do you have any sort of custody whatsoever? My husband and I just went through this EXACT same thing!...Not the meth and CP thing, my BIL & SIL lost custody of their daughter due to meth.  Give us the details and I can probably head you in the right direction.