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Who gets to decide?

Started by backwardsbike, Jul 16, 2006, 01:51:41 PM

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All parties in PA.  Court order states:

"It is anticipated that the parties minor son is to attend boyscout camp the third week of every summer.  The parent who was to have had custody that week shall have two overnights the following week to ensure that three weeks will not pass without that parent seeing the minor child."

My X gets the make up time this year.  In the past Ihave had to chase him down to get him to tell me when he's taking his overnights or if I get the time to try to get him to agree on which two night I can take.

This year I figured, he should be responsible to contact me for his own make up time.  he called me this AM, severn hours before I am to get custody to tell me that Ihave a choice:  Either he takes Sunday/Monday or Friday/Saturday.  

Ihave many plans made this week for the children. I told him I htought it was rather late notice adn that Ihad Tuesday and Thursday available for him to havehis make up time.

We live only about thirty miles apart, so distance is not an issue.  X also works in my town and comes over everyday.

Am I wrong to think that since he waited so long to contact me that I should get to decide which days he gets as make up?

I have a history of being super flexible.  It has never been rewarded by like behavior from the X who tends to be controlling and demanding.

What's the best way to stop getting waled on adn run over?