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Have 50% Custody Court Will Not Enforce Access to My Child

Started by Parent in Pain, Mar 29, 2013, 09:33:01 AM

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Parent in Pain

Live in New Hampshire. Have court order for 50% custody since January, I have been back to court twice and the order is upheld but there is no legal entity that will force my ex-wife to let me have my child for court ordered visitation.

The police will not help and the Judge will not make her comply. He just says there is an order.

I have spent thousands on Attorney fees and I have paid more than required in child support to make sure she is well cared for. I still I have not seen my child for months.  Any suggestions?


Fiile: Contempt of court paperwork- This will force the judge to make your ex say why child is not with you on your days.
File: Modification of visitation plan: Change pick up location to school? daycare? This way ex will not be in the way. If child is not old enough for this or your ex is home then do above contempt paperwork WITH a sentence "father requests make-up time of xx days as child has missed parenting time with her/his father. Also the father requests the courts to put sanctions in place if mother continues to deny court ordered parenting time.

What happens when you go pick up child? Get police reports to prove you were there and back to court. Sooner or later judge will get fed up seeing her. Also, at some point you can ask for custody as mother is not allowing for joint custody. If you get child, do not give her back early - show court order and tell police you will be back at court ordered time.

How old is child? Changes some things...can also request court ordered counseling if child is old enough so you have someone else talking to child with you if the child is being told not so nice things about you. I would suggest you find a therapist first, make sure you like that person, and have the courts order that therapist by name in the court order.