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Started by rootrundeep, Jan 05, 2007, 06:18:58 AM

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Needing some help in finding court cases in the state of va. in regards to adoption.

See, my son's mother has gottan married and now I'm being drawn into court because they have decided that they want to adopt my son and change is last name.

I'm supporting my child what more does this woman wants....Please Help


the mom, then she cannot have him adopted unless you give permission.  The mother is crazy.


Agreed. I doubt if she'll get very far, but if she tries, you'll probably need to get an attorney.

Meanwhile, don't sign anything she asks you to sign.


A friend of mine actually wanted to adopt his stepson, and they were unable to do so until the father signed for it.  They all live in VA.  The birth father was never involved in his childs life (by HIS choice) and was never asked to pay child support.  He was only a father by genetics.
The SF met the child when he was an infant and was a father in every way except by genetics.  He is one of the most awesome dads I know
Anyways, when the mom and stepdad decided they wantd for him to adopt the child when he was around 8-9, the had to wait until the BF signed for it.  The BF waited a few years (and still stayed uninvolved) before he finally signed the papers.  
They were told that the SF could not adopt unless the BF signed.  I don't see why it would be any different for you.  If you don't want to sign away your rights to your child then don't, they can't force you to.  


My situation was similar. My wife had 2 daughters from a previous marriage and they were 5 and 6 when I came into their lives. While their father didn't completely ignore them, it was clear that they were a nuisance to him.

We asked if he would let us adopt the kids so that he'd never have to pay child support again. He was in favor of the idea as long as we let him still visit the kids and take them to his parents - IOW, he wanted to continue to pretend that he was their dad at least as far as his family was concerned.

When we explained that it didn't work that way - if I adopted the kids, he was out of their life entirely - he backed down and we couldn't do it.