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Can NCP take children out of state?

Started by greatdad, Jun 27, 2007, 09:43:28 AM

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I have not read through all of these post so I do not know if I am repeating what someone already said. But I had this problem a while back.

Soc had told me that a person with Sole Physical and Sole Legal Custody does call all the shots.  The person with only visitation, has no authority to delegate their pick ups and or drop offs and or their visitation to anyone else.

The  CP can refuse to let them go with anyone else at any time and in the middle of a "visit", they may pick up at any time and do as they wish.  the NCP only has visit rights...that's it.

Now I am quoting Soc (and it was quite some time ago so I believe it was the real one.  ) I think I even copied the post and I will copy it here if I can find it.

As a side note, my niece lives with her Grandparents and retain SOLE Physical and SOLE legal and the parents have "visitation rights" only.  They are not allowed to delegate their visits to anyone else and they are the only ones that can pick her up.  One time they disagreed with the pick up time..grandparents said earlier and parents said later. Cops came and took her because they wanted her back and they had no right to keep her.

They have parental rights, but that doesn't mean squat. They do not get to have any say in the visitation schedule... believe me we have been to court over this MANY MANY times and I payed attention.

Now I don't think she is a flight risk, and neither do you but you can always stop the visit and say you think she is.  She might cough up the address.


>My EX thinks he has sole -- or at least the very equivalent
>of sole because we have a sentence that says he gets to make
>the final decisions on day to day stuff.
>I get that.
>But I believe that EX and Camilla (mainly Camilla) overstepped
>boundaries when they called a friend of mine's house and said
>our son wasn't allowed to jump on the trampoline they had
>their during a weekend our son was with me.
>I chose to pick and choose my battles -- because friend
>thought Camilla just made a fool of herself, but she wouldn't
>allow our son to get on the trampoline because she was afraid
>that if Camilla would call and say this, what other nutty
>thing would she do?

Timber!!!!----Control-P, Control-P, Control P. . . . .
MB, I had you pegged for an environment friendly person.

(Sorry, this board has been so tense lately, I feel we need some levity here and there. . . .)