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Can I get custody?

Started by ll1978, Apr 24, 2008, 07:07:21 PM

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I broke up with my girlfriend on Christmas. I found out she was cheating. I walked in on her with crack cocaine last week and they (her roomate and new boyfriend that she denies)were getting ready to smoke it. I called the cops but everything was gone by the time the cops got there. My daughter was in the house at the time. BM is on SSN because she could never get past the 6th grade level academically. I have been worried sick since we broke up that something is going to happen because of the people she is hangin with. I know she did almost 2 yrs in prison because of some theft charge. When we first met she seemed like a genuinely nice person but after she had the baby she started going crazy. Oh, she told me she couldn't get pregnant. Doing drugs and running around on me. I know that cocaine is only in the system for about three days so drug testing might not work. She has every symptom of Bipolar. She told me the other day that I was lucky that I get to see my daughter at all because I am harrasing her. I am just so worried about my little girl. Everytime I call to see if I can come over she says no, I just want to know what they are doing around my daughter. I have her every weekend and every Tuesday night. I want full custody because I don't want her around the drugs or these people. I have filed for custody but I was just wanting to know what my chances are and if anyone could help.


If you know that she is using, ask for drug testing to be done that day...a hair sample, not urine.  That will go back as far as the hair growth unless she stripped it (which never looks good for the person that has done it).  If you THINK she may be using, be careful how you tread.  A false allegation will not look good for you at all.
The running around on you, the social security, the education, the past arrest/time served...they all mean nothing.  All of those things are in the past.  Even if she is bipolar, it doesn't mean a thing unless she is a clear risk to your child (many folks who are bipolar successfully raise children).
BTW, the "new boyfriend that she denies" is really none of your business again unless this person is a threat/risk to your child and that burden is completely on you to prove.  At that, it doesn't matter if it is a boyfriend or just a friend, simply a risk.  Stay out of her personal life and you will be much happier when she stays out of yours.