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Started by kychris09, Aug 01, 2008, 06:24:01 PM

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Ok, I have a 31 month old son, the father has only seen it twice. He tells everyone he sees it all the time, but he doesn't.
Everything was fine when we first got divorced, than he met another girl who seemed fine. Till she became pregnant. Than she started all this crap. I'll explain later on.
I went back to court cause his wife threatened to take my son, and even told a friend of mine that I wanted her to take it to the step mom. So she could see it for christmas. When I found out I went to my lawyer-who sucks. We went back to court and the judge told my ex to get a lawyer and to have a drug test. Well that was back in January. Now she is threatening my life, my sons, and acting like I'm this terrible person and completely slandering my name.
Well the papers came three months later that I retained custody and my ex got restricted visitation. Well he never calls or makes a effort to see the child. But says he gonna take me back to court to get full custody. Even though he's never seen him or made contact and is trying to say that I refused visitation and that I abandoned my child.
He thinks I abandon my child cause I go to work at night. And he still hasn't taken the drug test, nearly a year later.
OH yea about the step mom, she makes threats toward me-like she is gonna put on a mask and kill me. Or that she will hurt me or my son.
Can he get full custody? Can I do anything about the threats? Can he really get me for contemp of court, even though I told him he can visit his child anytime?
Oh yea I live in Ky.


Relax..he is just trying to scare you. He will not get custody especially since you already were able to get supervised and he is not doing it. He needs to prove that you did not allow child when he was supposed to (police report).

As for the Step-mom....the very next time she threatens you or your child, file a police report for harassment and then take that and get a restraining order. Then she will not be able to call or talk to you and if she does, she goes to jail. Let their phone calls go to voicemails for proof. Do not call back unless it is regarding visitation or your child. If you can, set up e-mail with him so everything is in print and then you just answer what needs to be answered about the child. It is VERY hard stepping back and not have a battle with them but once you do you will be a lot happier. They are controlling you now. If he wants to see child, he needs to do at the times/days that were agreed in court.

IF he does the right thing and goes to his drug test and starts his visits regularly then he could get the regular visits of every other weekend and one week night but that is far off now until he starts showing the court he is following the order.

Good luck!