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Just starting custody need all help can get

Started by GODisinit, Jul 20, 2008, 06:55:51 AM

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I have a 16 yr old daughter with a 17 year old FOB whom have a 6 1/2 month old precious boy.
Mom and dad sat down and made out a visitation schedule. Mom took him to dad for first visit and dad was to return baby next day.  He kept him for three days.  I went and hired attorney on Friday.  Dad returned baby last night at 9 pm.  When we got him he smelled of syrup (mom states they feed it to him in his bottle and put on paci).  and cigarrettes.  
We had to give a bath at 10:30 at night when we got home.  I am sure he has not had a bath since he left on Wednesday.  He had powder CAKED in the creavies of his legs and when she went to pull back forsep and clean penis, I almost gagged.  It WAS NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dad loves baby but and would not intentionally harm baby but baby has no way to thrive living in 5th wheel and hotel room.  He has the want to just not the can do.

Dad lives in a fifth wheel, bed is upstairs, no guard, no bath tub.  Dads mom is on crack i think.  Do not believe dad graduated high school and does not work.  
She is something!!!!!!!!  She is living unwed with  boss, boyfriend in a hotel because he lost his business and beautiful home.  

Dad has no support system except for his wack mother.  

Mom has a wonderful small family and GREAT SUPPORT  from all as well as my husband and i have a GREAT  church family support.  

Mom graduated from high school (home school) at 15 and started Beauty college immediately.  She just took her state and passed and is not allowed to take the hands on test to get license until she is 17 in October.  

She is a good girl.  She has made one major mistake and one minor after the birth of baby.  She and daddy decided to pack up- and move to austin with daddys dad.  I called her in as a runnaway and
CPS was called.  They were back in  week and stated they just went to "visit".  CPS investigated her (not him?) and found her fit and the case was dropped. Then last weekend she went out one night and rode around until three am, got a tatoo on her hand, (small star) and had her boy "FRIEND'  call  FOB and tell him to get a life to f off, that they were a couple and just a bunch of immature bs.  I had baby that night.

Told lawyer of CPS issue, he said no big deal.(?)

Now, i stated babys mom is crack head.  That is merely stipulation but they have lost everything.  Boyfriend, boss, had a company and a 250k dollar home and has lost everything.  Just recently divorced and has very young child he gets visitation to.

We (my husband and I-mom's parents) are recoverying alcholics and it is known to close church family and to the daddys mom.  
Something we have not hid and has in the past played havoc on family.  Has NEVER  affected new baby.  But I know we are going to get called on it.  

Just need advice what to say what not to say, who congengial to  be while litigation is going on.

How does this case sound to you?

Mom wants dad to have hair folical test for friends tell her of his drugging (hearsay) and she states she can not pass because she was given by her aunt a couple of darvocets for a leg injury about 4 months ago.  We diffently want his mother tested.  Then they may test me but that is fine, the last drink I had was in MAY and I am not worried about drugs.    


What exactly does TEMP Custody entail?  Lawyer said she would be going to court within 2 weeks and that it could be after christmas before this is settled.  


Temp custody is an order that is set in place and followed until all parties can agree.

I would suggest having both parent be ordered to take child/infant cpr and parenting classes.

They will not order all dads friends to do drug test etc.  If the person (mom of father) lives in the residence (5th weel or hotel) request that she and dad take UA's if you are worried.

Everyone makes mistakes, sounds like dad needs a little help learning to take care of the child properly (he is young and may not know) mom has you to help her.  He may not know you have to pull the forskin back on little boys and make sure to keep it clean.

I agree with the attorney on the CPS thing (not to worry they found mom fit) It is hard to prove a parent unfit in the eyes of CPS especially if you are the mom in my past experience.

Him not graduating will not affect him, many people do not graduate and are good parents, her tatoo is no big deal either.

It doesn't matter if his mom is unwed and living with another man (she is an adult and can choose to live with someone.)

I am not trying to sound harsh but some of the points won't matter in court.

If dads mom is a crack head, you need proof, hearsay does not work.

Talk with your attorney and see what he says.
**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**