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Wally's Day in Court!!

Started by wallyworld85, Apr 17, 2004, 08:25:54 PM

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Okay court was Thursday.  Here is what happened:

Child support dismissed per her attorney due to the uifsa.

We argreed to all summer, every even yeared spring break, no child support in FL (including daycare expenses etc...), adding a stip that if someone defaults the agreement than the defaulting party must pay the other party's attorney and court costs, and that we pay our own attorney fees---- this was all agreed IF i dropped the contempts (which I did because the ENTIRE summer is excellent!)

We went to court on these issues that she would not agree on:

She wanted me to do all the driving and pay ALL travel costs for all visitation AND she wanted to do every year 1/2 xmas.  (I get her for 8 days for the xmas vacation every year But do all the driving)  Uh yeah right I would be driviing on xmas!

Here is what hte court ordered:

I get her EVEN yeared xmas with NO split.  I get her the ENTIRE xmas break, BUT I do all the driving (at first he said split with us sharing the driving, but hen changed his mind to full xmas after hearing my lawyer's argument)  I am NOT sure why he then ordered me to do all the driving, but I don't care because I wanted her the entire xmas break!

He then ordered that for spring break I do all the travel costs (fine with me as for spring break I will probably have to stay in FL due to the short amount of time

This is the good part:  In the summer I pick up my daughter in FL BUT her mother has to drive all the way to IL and take her back to FL after my visitation is over in aug. YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON HER FACE.

It went well in court.  I am sooooo happy.  

They paid their attorney for NOTHING. tney got nothing what they wanted.

What is funny is that IF my ex would have accepted my mediation offer in JULY she would have gotten so much:

210 child support
60 per month in daycare upon receipt
I do ALL the travel
split xmases
every summer I get her
every other spring break
PLUS 2000 in retro support


the judge even said this to her, after her attorney was asking that I compensate her travel expenses:

In IL they may do a mod. of child support and take OUT (PRORATE) the summer months that I have my daughter OR they may give me the tax deduction because I pay support AND will have her for 3.5 months out of the year; thus, providing more than 1/2 her support...

You should have seen the look on her face.


gald to hear it went so well wally



I am so happy for you. I am a FL long distance case too, so it makes me hopeful that DH will be able to see SD for only 6 weeks this summer. We are going to court now to change it to 10 out of 12 weeks. Actually we are going to mediation first. PBFH will NEVER negotiate, so it will go to court.

You are now my hero!

Any advice?


I have watched you on the boards for quite some time.

You and your daughter have come out the winners! So glad it went this well. You deserve to go on with your life with your new family and have your daughter included.

This is a wonderful win! And summer is almost here!

Did you get time with your daughter while you were there?



  My whole-hearted congratulations!  It really is wonderful to hear. Way to go!


Think about driving down and flying back north, fly south and drive back....sounds complicated, but it's not.

Check out AirTran!!!