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PBFH shows true colors (long vent)

Started by richiejay, Apr 27, 2004, 07:05:06 AM

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PBFH recently got divorced from husband #2 (married for 5 years).  He was a good guy and she ended up cheating on him (they work together).  She told me she was worried about his "stability" around our son (now almost 10 years old) and to tell her when ex #2 wanted to see our son.(ex #2 and son are very close).  I did that at first but then he called me and said she was not answering emails, phone calls, etc...So he wanted to go through me to see son (BTW, I am the custodial parent but she has liberal visitation).  After talking to him I asked him about selling their house.  Well, he tells me he was so concerned about the divorce and moving having an effect on my son that he signed the house over to her with the stipulation that she wouldn't move so as to provide a stable home for my son during the tumultuous divorce.  Well, you guessed it, she sells the house (no regard for our son), keeps his money and doesn't even tell him! Here's a guy who was a step-parent and is so concerned about my son's welfare that he gives up about 50K of equity in his home so his ex-step son can have some stability only to have bio-mom do what's best for bio-mom...I fucking can't stand this woman and her selfishness....just can't fucking stand it!

Kitty C.

Just thank God that your son has two heroes looking out for his best interest, who love and care for him.  Obviously that thing who calls herself a 'mother' sure isn't and probably never will........
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


actually not that long a vent :)
I do hope you are going to let the ex-step see your son. As you say he is a good guy, and as steps, we may not be bios to those kids but we do love them.

Just keep thinking, eventually you will never have to deal with that 'it' again.


We've worked out at least a phone call a week and once a month visit (we live 90 miles apart)...and I told him that we'd let my son kind of dictate how much/little time as he gets older....


good for you to respect the Ex stepdad and your son enough to let them maintain their relationship.  you are a man's man.

the way I see it with your Ex is that her world will start to crumble...you now have strength in numbers.

good luck