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I think someone is listening.....

Started by Sunshine1, May 14, 2005, 05:44:12 AM

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Yesterday was interesting! God has to be listening!  Little backgound:  BF has a new wife.  She is bi-polar and we (me and kids) are her target at all low times.  BF had a restraining order on her but later dropped it, I had a restraining order and my lawyer screwed it up but she had been kindof careful not to come near me anymore.  That was all in Oct.

Got assigned a guardian, who spent exactly one minute on our case.  They lied their a$$e$ off and she believed every word. (Bi-polar people are MASTER actors, and can twist anything into roses).  Needless to say the guardian didn't believe me.  Her dr. the guardian interviewed said she hadn't had any relapses in over a year and she was a model parent.

Since the order SM has been in full swing.  After the guardian's report I knew she did not look deep enough into her background so I took it upon myself to dig even deeper.

I just received about 7 reports from BF on her and his concern for his other children.  She has been admitted twice and the last time was in DECEMBER of 04 and the Sheriff spoke directly with the doctor the guardian interviewed and had her admitted on a 72 hour mental hold...but no relapese in over a YEAR??!!!?!

I am livid!  That guardian should be fired!  Anyone have any suggestions at what kind of recourse I can take against her?  Write a letter, call her boss?  What should I do??  Meanwhile SM has had about 34 suicide attempts and one in Oct. she almost succeeded, but hey that is not considered a relapse!!

I am desperate for any help.  This woman has some serious issues, although the BF has stopped reporting her, I know there is still major things going on there.  The children have to be hurt for anyone to listen to me.

I guess this is a vent, thanks for listening, but most of all I want that guardian's butt on a platter!!!!!


First of all, I would be more angry at the Dr. I would call the board that issues his/her license and report the SOB for lying to the guardian. I would then forward the reports to the guardian and ask him/her to reevaluate the recommendation based on the information.

Should the guardian refuse to look at the information or refuse to readdress the report, I would file a formal complaint. I'm sure the guardian has a supervisor. If he/she is a private guardian hired by you or BF, you would need to file a complaint with the court (I'm sure they have a procedure) and the licensing board that handles his/her license.

At that point, file for a hearing to address those issues. It sounds like the kids are in a dangerous situation. If SM attempts suicide while the children are in her care, it could lead to a very serious situation. You may be able to get an emergency hearing to suspend visitation (I am assuming you are CP, but if I'm wrong, ask for emergency placement with you). The guardian would be assigned to do another evaluation or you might even be able to request another guardian based on the former guardian's failure to fully review SM's mental health history and your concerns about her behavior.

That's what I would do. I hope this helps a little. Good luck!


Well, something is definately going down there today.  We have a special needs child and requires quite a bit of medication as some of you all know.  Today we had a bad report from the neurologist and his doses need to be increased immediately.

BF thinks I am making up the results of an EEG and that our son has epilepsy and I am medicating him just to piss him off.

I told BF of the results today and told him he would need to be on med watch this weekend.  Not an issue, he has done this NUMEROUS times in the past (pre-2nd marriage) and is very capable of watching him and I trust him to do as much so I thought.

I was told to keep the children because I am making it up and he will not over medicate the child and until I stop the games of overdosing he doesn't want to see them.

He told me I am unfit, but wants the children to stay with me because they would be better off...huh??  If I was unfit, wouldn't you try to take the children FROM ME????

Seriously, I am ecstatic that they are not going today and our child will get his meds as he is suppose to and have NO behaviors adjusting back into his routine after the weekend.  Which has been a nightmare.

So, my question is: he has stated he doesn't want to see the kids until I stop medicating our children...even though they are DR. prescribed and I have the tests to back up every i-ota of his disability, and he refuses to attend ANY appointments.  Stopping medication will never happen in his entire lifetime.

Now I think he is totally whacko after the email I got, and not sure at all of his ability to adminster or take care of the boys at all.  Do I just wait for him to say, hey I want to see them and then let him, or should I let him take me back to court so I can prove that he is crazy? We have been waiting to file a motion and now we can, but why would I file anything now...he doesn't want to see them and that was the whole point, to get monitored visits because of his blatant disregard for our son's medical needs.

Anyone have any ideas...did I mention I hate Fridays too??

Thanks for listening.


IMO, keep the kids and wait for him.  I am wondering if there isn't something going on with his wife again and he's saying wild things about you making up the disabilities & over medicating just to throw you off track and hide the fact that the wife is wigging again.

On the other hand, he could change his mind this afternoon and then you're back to square one.

In court, he could argue that he was having a rough time and emotionally he didn't have it all together, but he's okay now and didn't really mean it as I'm sure he'd change his mind as soon as he was served.

I probably didn't help much, but I do feel for you.  We haven't been in quite the same situation, but we did have problems with dh's ex-wife not making sure ysd got her asthma meds while smoking in the home.  It's not a nice "battle" to have to have and it's very draining.

Good luck, I'll keep you guys in my prayers.


Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- Will Rogers[em]

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers


My ex was like that at 1st when my son was put on meds for his absence seizures, I informed him of the results of the EEG etc too.

Do as the Dr says, my son has been on meds for 2yrs (luckily the type of seizures he has he will outgrow by puberty)

Think of the child not the contempt, also I would worry if I sent my kids to their dads and he didn't give the child the meds, if they need them it is not good to take them on and off.

I would give your ex a copy of the medical records showing what is going on with the child, I wouldn't say anything about visitation to the kids, if dad doesn't show he doesn't show.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**