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Copying the judge

Started by Ref, May 02, 2004, 05:59:00 AM

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I asked soc, but want to hear your thoughts....

PBFH wrote a letter clarifying vistation arrangements for this summer. It was a pretty standard letter from her ,confirming things Dh never agreed to and demanding more information. Nothing too crazy though.

At the bottom of this letter she put a cc to the Judge assigned to the case.

Dh is in the middle of litigation with PB over contempt for past visitation and change in visitation and PB is pro se. Does this mean that PB can send letters like this to the judge?

I know she can cc the judge on correspondence relative to the case, as if she was an attorney, but this is just standard crap and unrelated.(unless she plans to go through another contempt).


I wasnt aware ANY outside information can be sent to a judge in a case. Some areas can cc the court via case number.


Now she wrote ANOTHER letter to the judge. She says DH is a liar and his lawyer is a liar. She is basically venting on the Judge. I haven't seen the letter yet, but MAN! From what I understand, she said that DH had not written her requesting visitation yet (we have rejected certified letter, copy of letter sent from DH's attorney AND a voicemail from her discussing the receipt of the letter)

I know I should be rejoicing, but this is just a reminder of how crazy she really is and how she parents SD.

Kitty C.

Then thank your lucky stars, because she's burning her bridges behind her by dumping all this on the judge.  There's a possibility that he's not reading it at all, but he WILL know just how often she's writing.  Like PD said, some may read it and some may not, but it's still considered ex parte info and anything the judge is infomed of must be shared with all parties involved.

Good Lord!  It looks like she not only made her own rope, but she's tightening the noose, too!   ;-)
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......



You know kitty, sometimes the ex's DO all the work for ya,, I know mine did,, and still does.

She binds her own rope, makes the noose, makes it nice and tight, and leaps off the gallows.