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I survived mother's day

Started by tulip, May 09, 2004, 08:14:22 PM

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BM came to our church with the kids. It was my idea. She had them this weekend and told them they wouldn't be able to go to church. The temp co says dh can pick them up for church and bring them back after on her weekends. Rather than throwing the co in her face, I asked sd how she felt about missing church, and she didn't want to. So I suggested if mom wants to spend the morning with them, why not invite her to church. She thought it was a great idea, and so did ss. (I guess, honestly, I really didn't think she would go.)

I still can feel the tension in my neck, 12 hours later. After the service was over, we went into the fellowship hall for cookies and visiting, like we always do. I stepped out for a few minutes, and when I came back, bm was sitting with dh and my family. I just kept walking. Went out the door on the other side and wandered around for awhile to let them finish talking. When I came back, she was still there. I just walked over and grabbed my stuff and told dh I was ready to leave. She asked me to talk to talk to her for a few minutes. (OH NO) I just told her I was really glad she came because I knew it meant a lot to the kids. That was really about all I wanted to say to her, and about all the grace I could muster. But she wanted to say some things to me. I ended up running out because I just couldn't listen to her anymore.

2 of my 4 skids said "happy m-day to me." My 3 yo son thought the card he gave me was for him to keep. He won't give it back to me.


Tulip, hang in there, she's just pushing buttons.  OR she may actually be coming around (that I tend to not believe, but you never know).

Your three year olds antics sound pretty familiar to me.  My son is almost six, and this is the first year I get to keep my Mother's day present he gave me!

Yesterday YSS BM showed up at 7:45am, she is to get him 8am to 8pm.  DH actually told her "He'll be out in a minute" and shut the door in her face!  He finished dressing the little guy and gave him hugs and kisses, I grabbed the present SS had made her, gave him a big hug and reminded him to tell her happy Mother's day.  Then we sent SS on his merry way with her.

I gave DH a pretty hard time after she left about doing that.  It's sooo unlike him to be like that.  But I think he's just fed up with her the last couple of weeks.

Last weekend when she had SS, we saw her at a bar.  For TWO HOURS she was glaring and flipping us off.

We found out from someone else that was there that she never has him on her Saturdays or Saturday nights.  She leaves him with relatives.

So she gets Wed. and every other weekend, and still passes him off to others.


Be happy the M-Day is only once a year!


My ex used to do that with his kids. He would have them e/o weekend, and get a babysitter to go out to the bar. I didn't realize until later, when I had my own kids just how sad that is. Yeah, I get a sitter for my kids once in a while, so hubby and I can get out, but if I only could see my kids that little, I'm sure I would want to take andvantage of every minute. Before my little guy was born, there were times when we would have a weekend with no kids, and that was sufficient for our social life. Now there is NEVER a weekend w/no kids, and we are lucky if we have the energy to watch a movie together after the kids go to bed. Ha Ha.