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Warning: *67 let me down (long)

Started by MixedBag, Jun 22, 2004, 07:51:16 AM

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I have an order that basically says that I don't have to give my cell phone number to my son's Dad (mainly because he -- or rather fake-wife -- give it to DH's EX who calls me at all hours of the day to cuss me out).

But yesterday he got it -- he says from his Caller ID...hmmm...*67 was supposed to block that.

So I already called Verizon today to get it changed and at first the lady said that it will be $15 to change it but after I told her that I have an order and that my EX has harassed me in the past, there was no charge.

Returning Michael via Atlanta Aiport yesterday turned out O.K., but not without the drama...every airline had delays thanks to the weather, not just his flight.

I took SS with me and it takes us about 2 1/2 hours to drive to get there. Then we were two hours early for his flight because I didn't want to take a chance with security and stuff -- and I had to check him in personally as he is still an unaccompanied minor. Well, everything went totally smooth and then we got told "the flight is delayed by 1 1/2 hours for departure." I thought -- well, no REAL big deal -- let's find a phone to let Michael's Dad know.

Didn't see one right away in the main area, so we went through security (in about 10 minutes) and headed out to the International Terminal (just for fun! to find a 747, which we didn't). There I did find a pay phone and I called using the 1-888 number I set up. The phone was busy at Dad's house. This was about 4 pm, so Dad actually shouldn't have been home yet, but whatever.

So I went to Plan B -- dialed his parents house using *67 and the system said I couldn't "DIAL" this way. Hmmm, so I just dialed straight through and got their voice mail. I left a detailed message as to what was going on "We were at the airport, Michael was checked in, only his flight was delayed until 7:11 pm". (BTW -- I know it's not Dad's Parent's RESPONSIBILITY to pass on a message, but they live right next door and I've done this in the past when on my first try, I didn't get a hold of Dad.)

Since I didn't talk to a warm body in Plan B, I turned to Plan C and called Dad's cell phone and left the same message. His phone was turned off so it went straight to his voice mail. Dad's cell phone is really a work cell phone -- and back when we were married, Dad paid for the basic plan and some minutes and his employer paid for roaming and stuff.....So I really don't know if it's a personal phone or a work phone -- but voice mail makes it sound like a work phone. He has given me the number in the past to use for emergencies -- and I considered letting him know that the flight was delayed not an EMERGENCY (no life or limb on the line), but a courtesy to Dad.

Then we went and ate....and searched for a stupid 747 which we didn't find. NOT ONE gate had a 747..!!! And I wanted to show SS a "double decker" or "two story plane." Anyways,

After we ate, I went back to the pay phone and tried the 1-888 number -- the line was busy.

Then my MD called my cell from home and said "Michael's Dad just called and he wants me to call him."

She said that Dad knew the flight was delayed and wanted to talk to me.

Then, Michael pulled out his calling card that they sent with him so I tried using that. It had a whopping 26 minutes on it -- and the pay phone took 14 because I was calling from a payphone. I thought Oh well...and the phone was busy.

30 seconds later -- my cell rings...It's his Dad. And I'm thinking, do I pick it up or not. So I did.

Dad said "I got your cell phone number off my Caller ID. I need to know what's going on with Michael, is he checked in? Is he getting on the flight? because I understand it's delayed."

I told him that "Yep, I tried to call you but your phone at home was busy, so I left a messages in two places for you. It's delayed until 7:11, he's checked in and he'll be on it."

He said "You didn't leave a message."

I said "Yes I did, I called your parents house as a back up plan AND I left a detailed message on your cell phone."

He said "Well, do you know if it's gonna depart on time now? and why it was delayed?"

I said "I don't know if it's gonna depart on time because that's about 2 hours from now and a lot can happen, geez."

Then he said "Look I didn't call to argue with you....

And I said "Fine, goodbye." And hung up on him.

Well, that's pretty close to how the conversation went....

I'm thinking -- why don't you call the airline yourself to see what's going on? Or why don't you go on-line to see for yourself what's going on? HE always picks a fight with me -- and then blames ME for it.

Well, in those two hours, Michael's flight was CANCELLED. Everyone was automatically re-booked for their last flight of the day departing at 1 am, arriving at 3 am....

But I noticed that the flight BEFORE Michael's flight was also delayed and that he could maybe get on that one instead....and rebooked him for the 8 pm departure.

So I was back to needing to call Dad....and called the house which was busy. Called his cell phone and left a detailed message -- to include the fact that Michael was NOT on the really late flight as the airline rebooked him.

Then I called DH on his cell and home -- and left messages asking DH to keep trying Dad until we got a warm body on the other end. DH actually got a hold of fake-wife a bit later....

I kept thinking -- why am I putting myself through this. Dad is such a jerk towards me. I could have said NOTHING and he would have been sitting in the Pittsburgh Airport with his other (younger) son out in the gate area for the same 6 hours I roamed the Atlanta airport. And fake-wife would have been sitting back in the main terminal for the same 6 hours by herself. See once you get a gate pass to pick up an unaccompanied minor, I'm not sure they'll give you another one if you come back (probably so) -- but nope, I decided to take the high road to let Dad know about the delays. And I saved him flippin' parking fees that he's been so bitter about in the past!!!

For "entertainment" at the airport, I think we had a good time. In Concourse E all the international flight depart there, so I would ask "Where's London? Where's Frankfurt? Munich, Geneva, Rome?" and stuff -- to work on World Geography. "Where's Brussells?" Michael said "In Bursell Spouts!" Then believe it or not, we rode the underground train round and round in circles....like 10 times. From a distance they saw the parking garadge and how the tracks change where the trains go. THEN they noticed "Hooter's Airlines and wanted to go see "Hooter's Girls" (boys age 11)....so I said "Fine -- read the maps and follow the signs." (Thinking LEARN how to do this boys!)....and they did. But no Hooters counter -- that's all operated by Delta.

So their next challenge became to find our way back to Michael's gate -- and they did that just fine... Both really gained a lot of confidence finding their way around one of (if not) the busiest airport in the country.

After Michael departed, it became SS's job to find our way back to the car....total learning experience for him. We talked about the fact that after they turn 12, they don't have to be considered unaccompanied minors (needing a babysitter), and what might change after that (like the fact that we might not be allowed to meet them at the gate, and that they have to come out to baggage claim)....so it was a positive side to this weather delay situation.

But Michael is back for now....and I got get him again in just a few short weeks for the rest of his summer here!


Kitty C.

WOW, what an experience, MB!!!!!!!!  Reminds me of the time DS was scheduled to come back from CA from spending X-mas with his dad, and there was a snowstorm in Denver.  They wouldn't even let him leave Sacramento!  And since it's 4 hours to the airport for us, we were already halfway there when his dad called.  DH wanted to go all the way back and I wanted to go all the way to Omaha/Eppley Field, so we compromised and stayed in DSM for the night.  After that, we ALWAYS took a change of clothes along, just in case!

And in case you're wondering, the last time DH flew (and he was not a UAM), they did let me go to the gate with him.  Considering it was his first flight since 9/11, I don't know if it was a special circumstance, a regional determination, or they just did it out of the goodness of their hearts, but since we were there a whole 2 hours ahead of his flight, it was a blessing.  He never voiced his concerns till that morning on the way to the airport, but when I was able to show him all the new security and even pointed out a couple pilots  and police officers he could talk to if he wanted, he felt MUCH better about it!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


The airlines that I've asked so far too have promised that we could meet and depart our kids from the gate since they'll be over the unaccompanied minor age but under 18 still.....our choice.

BUT if something goes wrong -- you have to teach them plan B.

For example, we used to put a password on SS's reservations -- yep my idea because back in 1998, DH's EX tried to cash in the three airline tickets we bought for his kids to come to see him.

She figured that out back in the Spring of 2002 when she tried to cancel OSD's ticket she bought -- you know the wishy washy stuff she pulls when one day she says "Yep, I want you to come" and the next day it would be the opposite.  She bought the ticket, but we were sitll able to put a password on it to prohibit changes, period.

Well, this last Christmas she claimed she had a problem getting to the gate to pick SS up because she didn't know the password.  Stupid excuse -- she checked him in, dropped him off, MSD had no problems picking him up, and I wasn't asked for the password to check him back on for his return flight.  But all of a sudden, she had a problem picking him up.  She blamed it on the password, BUT I think it was the airport and TSA...

That's why I harped on SS that "baggage claim" is always a place to meet us or his mom -- no matter which airport.  Doo Doo happens, and the kids need to be prepared.

Kitty C.

DS came up with his own Plan B!  When his dad died 2 years ago, I was adamant that he would not fly home alone, tho I knew he was being well taken care of there.  On the flight home, while changing planes at DIA, HE was giving me a tour of the facilities, LOL!  And he was 13 at the time!  He's a seasoned traveler, to say the least!  
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Your phone calls sound just like mine. The only difference is I am the father. No matter what I do, the extremes I go through, it is never good enough. I view it much like you do, cover the bases and leave it at that.


See if Verizon will put where your phone# will be blocked on all calls.  There shouldn't be a charge.  My X had his that way...and I told him that we don't answer caller Id unavailable calls...when he changed carriers he didn't have it blocked anymore. I never call his cell phone anyways.

All I have is a cell phone.  We don't block it.  I checked with our cell phone company and we can't do per call block on ours.  


Verizon told me it's all or nothing -- so I decided to block my number to all people right now.

Thing is -- you might not call his cell in your situation, and EX#2 of mine doesn't call me either -- BUT he (actually his fake-wife) passes my number to my DH's EX and SHE's the one who goes rampid and calls, cusses, and never gets what she has to say in on one call even when leaving messages, and calls no matter what time of day (or night) it is.  (There's always two or three messages left for her to say what she wants to say.)

Picture a triangle and you get the idea of our situation.  DH's EX did it again just yesterday.  Got mad at DH and then left two messages on his cell phone because she's afraid of being taped here at home.  Doesn't matter, DH records all of her messages off the cell phone on to a tape anyways.  

Point is that *67 let me down and that others need to know that it doesn't work all the time as advertised...


I have Cingular and I can dial *67 on my cell and it blocks my number on my home caller ID.