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canadian passport service

Started by new_step, Sep 29, 2004, 06:19:07 PM

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Hi.  I'm new at all this so please bear with me.  

My DH has 2 boys.  His ex is the CP and she has remarried.  Her husband works for an airline, has a house in Sicily and a car waiting at the airport in Italy.  My husband is suspicious that she may take off with the kids some day.  

I read about the US Passport Services in the FAQs and we will be contacting them.  Our fear though is that since we are only about 3 hours from Canada she could drive to Canada and fly from there.  Is there a similar Passport Services agency in Canada that we could contact? Does anyone know how to contact them?  Would they put a US citizen on their list of people not allowed to leave the country?

Thanks for your help- and for all the interesting info on this site!!

new stepmom


My guess is that as US citizens, they will still need a passport to travel from Canada to Italy.

Ask the US folks.


Thanks for your quick response.  I don't know anything about traveling internationally.  We will definately check with the US folks.

Do you think that their US passports (which they don't have at the moment we don't think) would be checked in Canada against the list in the US of people who aren't supposed to leave the US?  Maybe its a big international list?  

new stepmom


you'd need to get a court order to prohibit the children from obtaining a passport without a judge's order.  that court order with go on file with the passport agency and keep the children from getting US passports.

most countries require passports to enter them.  for the moment, we have reciprocity with Canada, Mexico and a few others where a driver's license sufficies.  Italy requires a passport to enter from a US citizen, regardless of where they're entering from.

this week, all incoming nationals have to be photographed and fingerprinted coming in the US, that includes our allies of the EOC.  Based on that move, I'm sure these countries will require the same of us in return very soon as retaliation.   The same thing occurred with South America last year.


So the child could go to Canda with mom and the airline probably won't let them board without the proper documents to get them into Italy -- which is a passport (from the US.)

Or they get to Italy and have to "turn around" because they don't have a passport for the child.

Can't get one of those unless both parents sign.


Very interesting... thanks everyone.  

We will for sure get a court order and contact the US Passport Services because she has been talking about getting passports for the boys out of the blue.  My husband has said he won't sign but somehow "his signature" has shown up on other docs.

Its good to know that there are things we can do besides wait for her to take off.



Be a little careful and perhaps call the passport office.  I found that when I flew to Canada, I could get OUT of the US fine, but had to have my passport sent (I forgot it) to get back in.  Bu tthis may be different for countries that are not part of NAFTA and if children are involved.  Also, if the Step father looks like the kids, airlines probably would not ask for the letter from "the other parent" allowing them to leave the country.  You may want a court order on file with the passport office in both the USA anc Canada, just in case.


Not sure if you need to go through all that trouble, really.

I'm talking about getting an order to prevent it.  Those rules (needing both signatures) are already in place.  Maybe a simple letter to them stating your (or rather his) objection and the POTENTIAL for fraud is enough, you know?

Sure would be nice if what happened to a Candadian friend of mine recently happened to you too.  They called the dad and said "Did you sign this?"  And of course, he said "Nope."

Theres an article here on the site that talks about it....search and find it.  That should help you tons.