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She did it again....(what happened to all the old messages?)

Started by SM_in_FL, Nov 23, 2003, 05:51:09 PM

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Hi, Soc!!!!!
I posted this before but I don't know what happened to the post or if you were able to respond to it. So here it is again:

Our BM went and filed false allegations against me with Social services again claiming that I hit Sd and general abuse her. This is like the fifth time she makes false allegations against me either with the courts or with social services. So I was reading FL statutes and was wondering:

1) Can I use the allegations against me to file criminal charges against her for perjury? Does that apply?
2) If not a civil suit for libel, defammation of character or something?
3) Any suggestions to get her to stop making these heinous accusations and using my kids as the means to her end?
Thanks Soc!!!


>Hi, Soc!!!!!
>I posted this before but I don't know what happened to the
>post or if you were able to respond to it. So here it is
>Our BM went and filed false allegations against me with Social
>services again claiming that I hit Sd and general abuse her.
>This is like the fifth time she makes false allegations
>against me either with the courts or with social services. So
>I was reading FL statutes and was wondering:
>1) Can I use the allegations against me to file criminal
>charges against her for perjury? Does that apply?

This is up to the District Attorney or the judge in the case. You'd have to file a complaint.

>2) If not a civil suit for libel, defammation of character or

Defamation is a false and injurious statement published to a third person. Your statement that the other parent complained to social services, and that they found nothing of substance could work as evidence to prove the false publication.

But, you will need to show that you were actually damaged from the false reports. I don't have sufficient facts to analyze this.

>3) Any suggestions to get her to stop making these heinous
>accusations and using my kids as the means to her end?

Sue for defamation. Take her to small claims and sue for the max. You'll probably get a judgment for something. hopefully she has a job or some asset to execute against, otherwise you will have nothing but a piece of paper.

>Thanks Soc!!!


Our bm filed two false sexual abuse claims.  I spoke with our county attorney and he stated if she did it again, he would file a criminal charge against her.  I would suggest you call you d.a. or c.o. and discuss with them these problems and insist they file charges, 5 times! Disgusting. What a waste of taxpayer monies and time that could be spent on real child abuse problems.  Good luck