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Admissable evidence ?

Started by socrateaser, Feb 23, 2004, 10:36:04 AM

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If she really can't retain a lawyer, I would just send her a letter containing a proposed stipulated judgment and offer her an opportunity to sign it as is, or provide you with her modifications. Don't say that your conditions are non-negotiable, just let her stew on it.

I wouldn't bother meeting -- this is most likely all a stall tactic while she scrambles to find legal representation.

Tennessee Dad

Thanks, again!  Your advice is very helpful.  

You are right, she is stalling, and doesn't want to negotiate anything.  Her proposal is to just drop the case, and not change anything legally.  Then she will agree to let us keep daughter most of the time, as long as she still gets the support check every month.  And I am just tired of jumping through her hoops everytime she calls.  If I have daughter, I want it done legally.  And she can't understand why.