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Started by janM, Apr 01, 2004, 01:23:09 PM

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My son's exgf gave him temporary custody 3 years ago, and permanent 2 years ago. She has exercised visitation sporadically since then.

Recently my son was hospitalised and asked bm to keep the boy for a short time. The next day she started making up lies about filing for emergency custody and not letting the grandparents take him back home where he and dad live with them.

Dad heard about her behavior and picked up the boy as soon as he was released, at her local police station, but not until she whispered to the boy that she was getting a lawyer.

She saw the boy the following weekend at her sister's, where he was visiting his cousins, and the sister heard bm tell them boy that she was going to have him taken away from Dad to live with her (and her husband).

1. Is there anything that can be done legally to make this behavior stop?
Request some kind of class or counselling?

2. Or do we just deal with the fallout by taking the boy to counselling to undo the damage?


>1. Is there anything that can be done legally to make this
>behavior stop?
>Request some kind of class or counselling?

It sounds like the mother may have some "issues."

>2. Or do we just deal with the fallout by taking the boy to
>counselling to undo the damage?

Concentrate on the kid. You will just be sinking money down a bottomless hole trying to reign in the other parent. I think that the less you make of this in the child's eyes, the less that the child will make of it -- which is what you want.


She claims to be bipolar, but I myself think she fits Histrionic perfectly.
When there is no drama in her life she creates it...and the fantasy life that goes with it.

Thanks for the response.