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Need some advice on how to word a letter to an attorney

Started by taboalien, Apr 23, 2004, 01:35:28 PM

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Hi Soc

Been a long time since I've been on here.  Brief background- ex wife was denying visitation forever, we finally got in front of a judge and he nailed her butt, we are now able to fly the boys here if we so choose.  She behaved for 15 mths, and allowed the boys to be taken out of school 30 minutes early nearly every time to get them to the airport in time, she was never happy about it but she did it.

We asked for the boys last weekend- flight left at 5:50- 30 minutes later than all previous flights have left & she says NO at 8PM the night before they are due here- she had the itinerary for over 2 wks.

I have emailed, mailed & faxed one letter to her attorney and have gotten NO response of any kind from him & he will not take mine or hubby's phone calls- in the letter we requested this weekend for makeup time.

Ex wife is not putting the boys on the flights again. I want to request next weekend AGAIN for makeup time.

#1- How should I word the letter?  #2 request for makeup time???? or what?

#2- Can we keep requesting weekends like this & if she refuses, file contempt on her for each time?

Thanks so much Soc & others- ya'lls information before has proved so helpful in the past.


Fix the PHBF or I won't review your post.


SOWWY!!!!  I guess I missed that part in your guidelines... Forgive me please... :-)


You're forgiven, but you haven't fixed your post completely.


Can't help it if that's what she is.......... :-)

I think i have fixed it now.


>#1- How should I word the letter?  #2 request for makeup
>time???? or what?

Dear attorney:

Your client, CLIENTNAME, is once again, frustrating my custody rights by refusing to bring our children to the airport in time to board. I will not bother to review the exact facts. It is sufficient to say that Ms. X has been previously sanctioned by the court on this issue, and I have little doubt that a contempt hearing demonstrating a renewal of her bad behavior will be severely dealt with.

I would appreciate it if you arrange with your client to provide us with a make up visit on the weekend of ??/??/??,, and that you further advise her to immediately cease and desist her frustrating my custody/visitation rights.

If I do not receive a confirmation from you regarding the above requests within 10 days, I will take the appropriate legal action.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me immediately.

Very truly yours,

>#2- Can we keep requesting weekends like this & if she
>refuses, file contempt on her for each time?

You can negotiate whatever you can. You can put all the contempts into one motion as separate counts.



Off to type up a letter!!!!
