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Transmission of personal information

Started by RCD, Sep 03, 2004, 02:59:30 PM

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Happy holiday Soc!

     Formaer spouse demanded the following language be included in one of the many revisions to the original JOD.  Current Language states..." all abatements will be paid to the trust account of Defendants (that is me) Attourney XXX XXX XXX .... "  

     Since that order was entered I have gone pro per.  My former attorney stipulated that he would continue to accept the checks and send payment to me once the check cleared.  

     Twice in the last three weeks, former spouse has deposited money directly into my bank account and sent me an e-mail with the details of said transaction.  Unbeliveably, she has included my account number and banking institution in the un-encripted communication.

     After the first occurance, I told former spouse and her attorney that this was unacceptable and must stop.  Since it has occurred again, obviousely she has not stopped.

     Jurisdiction is Michigan


 1) What can you suggest?


> 1) What can you suggest?

You make it seem as if this behavior is only found in a parallel universe. Ex's are forever trying to punish each other for their preceived evils.

Anyway, put the other party on notice, that you are aware of this activity, that you believe it could compromise your financial security, and, that if it eventually does compromise you, that you will file a civil action to recover damages for any injuries caused.

Then, move on with your life, because this is really trivial stuff, at the moment.


If you want to deal with the hassle, close the account and start a new one - then make sure she doesn't get the new account number.

Best of Luck
