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Started by harlequin, Aug 09, 2004, 06:18:30 PM

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If she thinks what she offered was good enough for me, then what she  offered me should also be good enough for her!!!

Like, just switch the names on the time allocation.


I previously lived in Albuquerque.  Divorce was finalized there.

I really don't think you have much to worry about.  I had to get it expressly stated that I could move anywhere I wanted within the continental US as long as I gave my ex 30 days written notice.  Otherwise, the standard format is that the only way a CP can move is with NCP's permission.

The ONLY reason I received this is because he had moved to Minnesota months before, and I didn't think it was fair for him to dictate that I stay in NM if he got to leave (NM and I never really warmed up to eachother, even after living there for 5 years!)

DS and I moved to MN three years ago and I know that our agreement is pretty much null and void should Ex ever want to fight a move, since he sees DS once a month now instead of once every three months.  (not that I would leave the state, the main reason I moved up here was so that DS could spend more time with his Dad!)

You have a relationship with your son.  Your ex wants to move because her husband wants to move.  Judge isn't going to like that.

And if nothing has changed the past five years in bernalillo, yup, it's Father friendly!

Try not to stress.  Hang in there.  She's bullying you because she knows she doesn't have a chance....



Maybe things have changed in Bernalillo County.  Judge Kass has retired, which is a real shame. I just find it totally incredible that they can do this shit to my son and to me.  This is totally frivolous, just two Narcissistic monsters thinking the world revolves around them.

I am having trouble coping with the idea that this got sent to Advisory Consultation instead of being summarily dismissed.  But I'm told my lawyer is one of the best by someone who definitely knows- maybe he knew that was the best he could get from this judge.  All this because poor Narcissistic hubby was "not happy" at UNMH.  No compelling reason to leave, just "not happy".

I am not having a good day.  You may have read above that my marriage and my work have taught me the knee-jerk reflex that the most bizarre thing concievable can actually happen.  I can't get out of that mindset.

I guess maybe if I can just cope and keep a poker face, they will step in it somehow.  This is bullshit.


My son has the same teacher he had last year.  He has ADHD, and she already knows him.  Stability.  Continuity.  I love it.

(Sigh of conditional relief.)