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Trying to understand Judge

Started by pickupsticks, Feb 27, 2005, 08:40:33 PM

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Taken from court order:
The matter came before the court for hearing. After having heard evidence, the court finds sufficient evidence for the court to be seriously concerned about where the best interest of the child lies for award of custody.
The court: But what it boils down to is I think the plaintiff has made some good points; however, in order to find out what I need to do, I think I need to have an evaluation. So I'm not pleased. I don't like the new Georgia Supreme Cout order, and this is the state in which this decision will be made that says the court can consider moves away from custody, away from the parents, or whatever, in making a decision. A move alone was not sufficient when the defendant moved to Texas. It is alone sufficient now, if the court were to so find.

Defendant has now made another comment on the phone three days ago to my child that they are moving again  to California.

I am hoping for a hearing in two months. Do you think her moving to California may help me to win custody?
What is your interpretation of what the court states regarding the moves she has made every two years.
She first moved to Texas (the law was not in affect at that time) so I didn't take her back because I knew I couldn't keep her from moving but then she moved again to another state after the Georgia Supreme Court order. I have always lived in Georgia.
Is there an angle that I can approach this that I am not seeing.


>I am hoping for a hearing in two months. Do you think her
>moving to California may help me to win custody?


>What is your interpretation of what the court states regarding
>the moves she has made every two years.

Assuming you're the plaintiff, I think it's fair to say that the judge is sending a message that the defendant better watch her ass.

>Is there an angle that I can approach this that I am not

Yes, you need to have the eval and show that the kid is substantially connected to GA by way of you and the child's other relatives, and that this constant moving is not in the child's interests.

The judge is saying, give me the juice and I'll switch custody -- otherwise, I will be forced to permit the move.