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From From Aaron Burr

Started by Brent, Oct 03, 2004, 11:21:53 AM

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A message from Aaron Burr......[r]

Dear People,

As you know I have been "out of it" and not on the net for over a month now.  I am 'severely" impacted, just getting over being sick, a death of a friend, and pushing out legal documentation left and right, notwithstanding attempting to run Legends.

We and a Father, need your help.

Clive Boustred has been undergoing a nasty divorce here in Santa Cruz.  Like most divorces, it has spun out of control where the courts and local constabulatory have done everything in excess in order to fulminate, what should have been a black and white case.

His wife left the marriage with his personal assistant.  The courts have bent over backwards to give her everything she has needed and to protect her every whim--whereas, the courts as well as the ex, have violated law, morality and their own court orders in which to reach their desired goals to set this guy up and take him down.

After an incredible number of circumstances, where Clive hired several lawyers to navigate these legal issues, we now find Clive in jail for a felony.  How have we reached the point where one person, committed immoral and unlawful acts--can summarily ruin another persons life?!?

Clive was just beaten severely in the Santa Cruz jail.  Apparently, two inmates jumped him and beat him senseless.  He now has 3 stiches in his eye and showed up to court drugged and with a full bandage encompassing his head.

The judge, who is handling this case (Art Danner)--was recused--but UNLAWFULLY denied his own recusal (look at CCP § 170.3 to see the proceedure for a recused judge.  A judge cannot be a judge in his own cause and simply "rule" and deny his own recusal.  This whole case, currently IS A VOID JUDGMENT.

Notwithstanding that--Clive and not the DA or other side, HAD THE FIRST VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT in this matter--they simply steam rolled over it--in direct violation of Johnson v. MacCoy, 278 2d 37 which states that anyone, including private citizens may file a complaint if they have cognizable knowledge that a crime has occurred.  The Santa Cruz police, Sheriff, Court, all knew this fact--yet, chose to ignore it.  Instead, they illegally stopped Clive, at his own home, then pumped two rounds into his car, with his children in the car.  Then, the Santa Cruz sheriff invented the crimes WITH NO UNDERLYING CRIME TO SUPPORT THEIR ACTS.

We have men dying (Wilbur Street, etc.) over what these courts are doing.  Now we have a man, who is a very upstanding Christian man, who has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars over this, who has played their game and "gotten a lawyer" (Gregor Guy Smith, Esq. of San Francisco), who abandoned him, AND THE JUDGE (Danner) ALLOWED IT DURING SENTENCING--WHICH IS UNHEARD OF!

If you could take the time and call the court and demand to speak to Mr. Art Danner, and ask him to provide proof what "Police or Sheriff do not need warrants" to pull a citizen over (no breach of the peace, misdemeanor or felony was done in any police or sheiff's presense.  They just pulled him over, because the wife made wild claims against him.  Yet, they KNEW he had just filed a Verified Criminal Complaint at the courthouse--which everyone, IGNORED.

It's time we start doing something to stop this aparthied.  This man has done nothing wrong EXCEPT he has been a father and has attempted to 1.) save his marriage 2.) protect his family and 3.) protect both himself and his children.  "Somehow" this has led, in a country called the United States, to a felony!  (Again, with no underlying charge!)

Please call this screwed up, and corrupt court:

CRIMINAL Case F 06858  (People v. Boustred)
Superior Court County of S.C.
Room 120 701 Ocean Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Tel.  831-454-2230  criminal  -->  Press "0" when you hear the message to get the court operator.

Let them know that we are NOT taking this sitting down.  Let them know they are not in Kansas anymore.  PLEASE keep this on your desk and call THROUGHOUT THE WEEK.  Not just one day.  Melt their phones.  REALLY send a message.

Legends Legal Aid Society (as Clive is a member in good standing) will be filing a Civil Complaint against the Court and Sheriff and County in this matter.  We DEFEND fatherhood--and that means--we do not take this sitting down.

Show them there is a new Sheriff in town--and it ain't them.

Leave a lasting impact on Santa Cruz.  We need YOUR help.  Schedule 10 minutes to call throughout this next week.

Thank you for any time and effort you place in this matter for Clive.

Warmest Regards

