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Ding dong, the witch is dead..........

Started by msme, Nov 04, 2004, 04:52:15 PM

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It is very difficult to grab the attention of the public and have them listen to your ideas.  Look at the presidential race, they spent a whopping 4 BILLION to get us to listen to them and believe in there ideas.

If we who believe that 50/50 custody is best for our children keep the fight.  Sooner or latter we will make a difference.   Remember, Rome wasn't build in a day. :-)


I couldn't agree more.


Everything happens in January. I guess gr8dad will wait till after he is sworn in because she knows who we are & if he files while she is still in office, she has the disgression to expidite the hearing & pull him in before her end of term.

No sense risking opening that can of worms. We have waited all these years, a couple of more months won't hurt. The pbfh called the police on DGD Saturday, again. Said she was out of control. Seems pbfh was trash talking gr8mom & gr8dad & DGD told her just what she thought.

Then she got in the car & said her visit was over & she would wait there till time to go home. pbfh couldn't let it go & a screaming match ensued.

She called 911 & when the cops came, they told pbfh that it was a parenting problem & maybe she should learn how to handle it. Since the visit was nearly over, they then offered DGD a ride to the police station to meet dad & she accepted.

Don't you just love it when they shoot themselves in the foot?

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!

Kitty C.

What a maroon!!!!!!!!  I hope you told those officers who offered DGD a ride what a wonderful thing they did!  

Sounds like they're getting REAL tired of her BS.........
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Good for DGD what an ass pbfh made of herself and hahah way to go mr officer.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


now that I think about it, not one word about her having family court was ever mentioned in any of her campaign stuff. Only about criminal court.

We must educate the public about the fact that Family Court is very real & who we elect as judge to sit in judgement on the placement & care of our children & grandchildren is everyone's concern & responsibility.

I am on gr8dad's computer & somehow, it came up as his post. LOL  msme


This is excellent news for you all :-)