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unable to set hearing

Started by jenjen, Mar 13, 2007, 07:21:59 PM

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state of florida
I got custody of my kids 5 years ago and the x fled w/spouse after being released on bail from arrest for  harming children. state trying to force me to pay support on children in my custody and care.

filed for mod of custody. child support and other relief.

After trying to locate x unsuccessfully, I try tryed to serve by publication
still no response, I filed a default and it was entered by the clerk.

given a number to call to set a hearin. the first time i called I was told a date will be mailed to me, after several weeks i called again and was told that they had no record of the first call, again i was told that I would be sent a date by mail and they would notify the dept of revenue.

after a about 2 weeks I get a letter from the dept of revenue stating thatr they are going to place on my credit report a debt of 11000. if i dont request a review in 15 days. still no court date set.

1. what do I do when getting the runaround?

2. should I send a certified letter requesting a hearing date and send copies to someone? if so, what someone?

3. Can the dept of revenue for child support enforcement hinder me from having a hearing date or interfer with the process?


Get an attorney.

Yes, it costs money. But it sure beats spending the next 10 years in jail.


I would stop calling them and start writing ONLY.

And yes, I would send all letters either priority confirmed delivery OR certified.

Am I reading this right --

1.  You have an order giving YOU custody.

2.  And the state says you're $11,000 behind in CS for the kids??

And by any miracle of a chance, the number that you have to call to set the date.  Is it a long distance call that you can show via a phone bill that you actually called twice???

Send them a letter, attach your order (and phone bill if true).


No unfortunitly the call is not long distance.

I'm going to write letters, I also have reporter wanting to do a story on me but, I'm fearful because it might offend some officials an i dont want any retaliation. just want me and the kids to be left alone.

A worker a the dept of revenue for child support enforcement put it to me like this:  "WE ARE THE DEPT OF REVENUE WE DONT MAKE MISTAKES AND WHEN WE MAKE A MISTAKE... .WE DONT"



They may find that judges don't agree with them.

You need an attorney to straighten it out.


I've spoken to many, 3 wont touch it-they say it seems more personal.
1 took my money got my drivers license back and would do nothing else (i could have gotten my license back myself)
The last attorney say's he can straighten it out over a golf game with a certain judge(I wont mention his name hear) and he would make sure this judge would hear the case, but, it will cost to much money and I dont feel comfortable with this attorneywhole yhing sounds shady. so I decided to go it alone (me&god that is)


You're talking to the wrong attorneys. If your ex has fled with the kids when you have custody per court order (which is what you seem to be saying), it's a very serious crime.

I suspect that there's more involved than you're saying, but in any event, there are undoubtedly attorneys who will work with you.

I would NOT recommend doing it yourself. Your grammar and spelling on this board indicate that communication is a serious issue for you. Since everything you need to straighten out involves serious communication issues, you're going to be at a disadvantage trying to do it yourself.