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Lost my job

Started by c_alexander, Dec 14, 2004, 04:13:12 PM

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The corporations that you mentioned got their just desserts in the end as I am sure that they deserved. Once again holding those accountable for their actions. What I was trying to say is that society should focus on the cause of all the lying cheating and stealing, rather then just telling everyone..."oh by the way trust no one". Catch my drift.

"They hired you due to your skill set. They fired you due to your inability to be there when they expected you to." This company has a no fault attendance policy in which personnel get points which they can use at anytime (according to the handbook), but when their points are gone they are terminated. I had only asked if I could use 2 days of my points for the time I needed off and the next thing I know I was terminated because they did not feel that asking to use my points was honest. Doesn't matter that I was 100% honest with them from the beginning at the interview and throughout the process and that THEY were the ones that did not live up to their promises. A coworker of mine the day before I lost my job I discovered called in 2 days in a row because her child had 2 separate doctors appointments. She did not even call in her absences they were no call no shows. She still has a job.  I on the other had "asked" if I could use my points. I did not even tell them I was going to use them and I got fired. Please tell me that is not discrimination?
The really stupid thing is that due to a freak snow storm here they were actually closed for the days that I needed off anyway. If I had said nothing at all I would still have a job...how sad is that? Lesson is that society does not care for honesty or integrity (2 traits that I strive daily to instill in my daughter) because in the end everyone thinks that everyone else is lying anyway. I am sure that some of you think I am lying right now....BUT it all does not matter.
What matters in the end is that regardless I got my time with my daughter for Christmas which has been GREAT by the way, I have been told by the boss of my prior job that I can come back anytime so after the Holidays I will be back to work, and with a small miracle I will be moving from Indiana to Colorado sometime late spring early summer so issues like this one should not come up anymore because I will be getting better parenting time then I have for now.

In the end I just needed to vent and express my emotions. During my talks with the woman that fired me I could NOT get across to her the importance of the limited time I have with my daughter at the moment. To her visitation with a daughter who lives 1,000 miles away and you get to spend a freaking 14% of the year with is the same as spending a holiday with family you see everyday. It surely is not the same as many of you can attest to. It is bothersome to me that far too many people have no idea the great lengths that many of us non custodial parents must go to in order to be parents to our children.

Anyway,  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all

p.s. perhaps I am an idealist, but I have to ask you what kind of a world do you want to live in one where you have to "Cover your a**, at all times" or one where people were honest and had integrity? Doesn't matter which world we live in now...but which one do we want our children to live in.


I agree, it's a sad commentary when ignorant, Corporate America shows it's stone cold heart as it so often does anymore. Mass layoffs always seem to happen just prior to Christmas, outsourcing of jobs to far corners of the globe and illegal immigrants sneaking over our borders, snatching up some of the only jobs left. What a mess. Guess we should consider ourselves lucky we can still vent about things, eh?

Bigsigh, sometimes it really does boil down to one corporate person to make or break a situation. Let me illustrate further... I worked in retail the past few years for a huge grocery/drug chain. When my PBFH ex-wife interferred with my court ordered 'visitation', I wasn't sure if I could work or not. Other times, she was suddenly hospitalized, so I had full custody at those times. Add to that, the stupid HIPPA laws, that prevented me from obtaining any kind of prognosis from the hospital/doctors without first obtaining a court order.

Contracts... hahaha, what about the contract between fathers and their children to fulfill their responsibility, whether it be time or money or both?

Thank Heaven for the boss I had at the time. He had grown up in the midst of a divorce, so had some first hand experience as to what I was going through, especially at the drop of a hat. Most times, all it took was a phone call to him, with as much advance warning as I had been given to get some time off, or garner some extra hours.

It appears this single gal that alexander wrote about is just clueless and is probably fearful enough for loosing her own job, so she just tows the company line and sticks to "policy". Shame on her and especially her higher ups for being so ignorant.

I think this should be sent to Glen Sacks, as it is precisely what he refers to when he cites the "moral blind spot" so rampant in corporations today.      


Wish I had the gift of words, very well said.

Corporations are becoming more aware of the needs of their employees. This woman was insensitive. Someday she will get a feel of real life and she will remember what she did to you.

Hope your having a wonderful Christmas and enjoying every moment with your daughter.
>but I have to ask you what kind of a world do you want to live in one where you have to "Cover your a**, at all times" or one where people were honest and had integrity? Doesn't matter which world we live in now...but which one do we want our children to live in.<

Well put....and I agree

"Children learn what they live"


Yes, yes, yes...Hawkeye thank you very much you hit the nail on the head. You understand exactly what I was talking about...thank you.

I wanted everyone to know that I had a wonderful Christmas with my daughter even considering the situation. I hope that you all had a happy holiday with your children as well.

On a VERY ironic side note The job I had prior to the job that fired me for asking for Christmas off had told me when I left that they would be more then willing th rehire me should things not work out. I had planned on going back there to work until I could save enough to move ofr find something better...it is a plastics factory job and not really in my field but paid not too bad. Anyway on December 23rd we got hit here in Indiana with a major snow storm and had 19" of snow dropped on us. the weigh of this snow on the roof of the factory was enough to cause the roof the collapse and over $1 million dollars in damage was done to the equipment there. So as far as I know they are shut down at least till the beginning of the year....when it rains it pours.

Even with all that is happening I am not really upset about it, not like I used to get. I figure one way or another this stuff is gonna work itself out. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt too that by no later than June I will be livving in Denver much closer to my daughter. Man I can't wait for that!

Thanks again all for listening, Best wishes! and happy new year!


Well thought I would update you all on recent events in my quest to get to colorado to be with my daughter.  Starting from the beginning I lost my job several weeks back, a week before Christmas because I wanted to spend my parenting time with my daughter who flew in from Denver to Indiana to see me. It had been over 6 months since I had parenting time with her  and the first time I had her on Christmas Day in over 3 years so it was a very special occasion. I began a new job in November, but had notified the company of the time I needed off at the interview. They say no problem, until it came time to get the time off then suddenly all records of this agreement were lost and I was terminated because they didn't feel they had to work with me to get this time off. So I figured I would go back to work for the company I used to work for before them and amazingly the week of Christmas the roof caved in on the place and it will be February before they start production again.  So now I am stuck without a job, it took me over 3 months to find the last 2 jobs I had, and I have been unable to save anymore money for my move to Denver because I have had no income. No one is visiting my webpage anymore (my fault for not updating it recently),  and it seems like my efforts on making this thing happen are falling apart. I found out recently that my daughter will be starting year round school this summer which means that I will not get my 7 weeks with her this summer, but that I will have to go back to court AGAIN and make another visitation arrangement.  court will cost money, of which I have none and no hopes of finding any kind of job here in rural Indiana anytime soon, and not enough saved in my moving fund to risk heading out to Colorado where I might have a better chance of finding something and being with my daughter.

I have written every daytime talkshow, news media and done everything I can possibly think of to get some kind of help, but have gotten absolutely no where. No matter how hard I try, or what I do I am beginning to believe that I will NEVER be able to be near my daughter and I just emotionally and physically exhausted. I have fought tooth and nail since my divorce in 1997 to be a part of my daughters life, but evertything and everyone seems to be trying to keep me from her. I know I can't give up, but for once I wish something would go right. I am SO tired of fighting.


Do you have a credit card you could use to finance a move back to CO?  I think that is where I would start...

Best to you...

remember, tomorrow is another day...


No credit card, or credit at all for that matter. My credit was destoryed when I caught my wife cheating on me 6 months after I had purchased a video production company (ironically my business was video taping weddings). the company went down the tubes as you can imagine and I filed bankruptcy in 2002. Been trying to repair my credit ever since then. I had thought about trying to get a loan or something from banks, family, friends, whatever..no luck.


Why is your daughter going to year round school? Is this by BM choice?

Don't give up, where there is a will, there is a way.

Everyone faces a down turn. And you have an incredibly good reason to keep fighting. If not for yourself, for your daughter. She's counting on you.

Your going to do it and get out there, just give yourself time...

"Children learn what they live"


My daughter is going to year round school because of the huge influx of children in the Denver area (people relocating). The school systems have had to turn to year round or "track" schooling in order to keep class sizes down and still be able to provide schooling to all the kids. As with most other things in my daughters life this decision was also without my say. It all stems from my ex being allowecd to move halfway across the freakin country.

I know I can't give up, I don't have a choice in the matter. I am just SO very very tired of fighting and not getting anywhere. I keep getting shafted in courts and by my ex wife, I can't seem to get the money I need saved, it's just one enormous headache after another. One hurdle after another after another.

I do honestly appreciate everyones efforts to help me keep going and trying to cheer me up. I will follow your advice and keep trudging on, but man I certainly do not envy those of you that have had to deal with this kind of mess longer then I have.


I've had two cheating spouses and have credit.  Sorry dude, but your credit is yours...has nothing to do with sex.

Do you still have some of that equipment? If you do, sell it.  There are many agencies all over the US called community action counsels, and they can spot you $500 for the move. You can also contact the red cross and the salvation for assistance if you are broke.