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I need help

Started by trashman, Jun 03, 2004, 04:08:03 PM

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I am new to this board. I am in need of help on Support Issues. When I settled with my ex she was not working. Now she has opened three franchise stores.  I pay above what the states says and now tution for my childrens school has been raised again.  She is asking me for more money. Do I take her back to court for a re-eval since she now has income?  She is breaking me and I am broke.


It depends on the state. some consider the income of the cp and the ncp,, others only consider the ncp wages. If your state considers both, I'd go back for an adjustment,, if it doesnt,,its a crap shoot.


....why wouldn't you take her back?  Seems like a nobrainer to me.  As they say, you got to lay down to be a door mat.


Yes.  Even if your state does not take into consideration CP's income, it is worth a try.  What state are you in?