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Driver's License Suspension Remedy

Started by mplsfitter539, Jan 10, 2006, 08:23:05 AM

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Hello Fathers,
I am writing this to inform all fathers who have fallen behind on child support and have had your driving priviledges suspended that I have found the remedy. Under the United Nations agreement with the US and a number of other countries, driver's licenses issued in foreign countries must be honored here in the states. I have found the cheapest and most efficient way to obtain a foreign driver's license that is valid here in the states and it can't be taken away for falling behind on child support payments. Please contact me if you are interested in obtaining a driver's license that can't be used as a tool by child support collection agencies to punish you for falling behind as we all do on occasion. This is totally legal and within your rights. All that is required is money for travel expenses and a passport. Please contact me only if you are serious and in need of this service. My email address is:



Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- Will Rogers[em]

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers


The advise you are giving people about this being illegal is totally wrong. Yes it is true that to use this license you need to put your car into a trusted friend or relatives name for insurance reasons but that is not illegal. The United States has a signed agreement with the United Nations to allow drivers licenses from foreign countries to be used here and vise versa. I don't appreciate being accused of illegal activities and you need to do more homework on this subject before making accusations like that. I researched this carefully before doing it myself. You have to relinquish whatever state license you have to make this work because the state can't suspend what you don't have. I got pulled over with mine already and the only thing the officer wanted to know was if I lived in the country that my new license is from and of course I said yes I am here visiting the person who's name this car is registered to. That's it he handed it back to me and I was on my way. No laws were broken and I was treated with respect. So don't tell me it won't work or that its illegal because I know its not and you are simply ignorant about this issue.


I made no accusations.  I just called attention to Kent's post.  I didn't know who was right and who wasn't but, people should know about any rebuttals, don't you think?

Personally, I call it fraud.  That's just my opinion though.  It doesn't make me ignorant, and I don't appreciate being called ignorant by someone like you.


Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- Will Rogers[em]

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers



The sheer fact that you lied to the police officer shows to everybody that your suggested method is illegal. Next to the fact that I know how this works, I have dealt with the issue of foreign drivers licenses myself on numerous occasions.

You know that if you had  been truthful, you would have lost that license, and gotten arrested for driving wihtout a license.

Your email address has been removed from your message.
Please refrain from posting illegal activities on this website, or you will be banned from posting.



Well Kent I can see that we are not going to agree on this but I again I feel I must try to defend my position. Technically if you stay anywhere for up to 30 days, than that can be called a place of residence. Also technically if you plan to stay 30 days or longer its considered a place of residence. My point here is that you say if I told the truth I would get into trouble. I did tell the truth because I plan to spend longer than 30 days in the country that my license if from. Therefore this is legal and I am not a liar as you have accused me of. I understand that you refuse to agree with me and that may just be because you may be stuborn but I have done my homework and I know what I am talking about.


I simply said you were ignorant about this particular issue that is not to say that you are stupid or dumb. Ignorant only means that you don't know enough about a specific subject manner to give adivice on it.


For purpose of the law, the legal definition of one's residence is:

"The place of one's domicil.... a man can have but one domicil.... A residence is a domicil when it is taken up animo manendi. "

(ANIMO MANENDI - The intention of remaining. To acquire a domicil, the party must have his abode in one place, with the intention of remaining there; for without such intention no new domicil can be gained, and the old will not be lost)
(Source: The 'Lectric Law Library's Lexicon)

I.e. a place does NOT become your residence if you intend to stay at that place for little more than 30 days. Your intention needs to be to remain there, which you are not. You only intend to stay for 31 days to obtain a DL. (In reality, you don't even stay the 30 days)
If you do not have a visa and/or working permit, you cannot legally claim residency in that country.

Next to that, all self-respecting countries will not allow foreigners a DL, unless the foreigner has a visa for more than 1 year (after 1 year the allowance to drive with a foreign DL expires). Of course, there are countries that will sell you a DL.

Instead of spending your money on travel expenses to break the law, you might consider just paying your CS.
If you disagree with your CS, file a motion to have it changed, or become active to change the laws (it was recently done in GA and in several other states).
Your behavior strengthens the general public's view on "deadbeat dads", and you hurt our cause more than anything.



>Technically if you stay anywhere for up to 30 days, than that
>can be called a place of residence. Also technically if you
>plan to stay 30 days or longer its considered a place of

Technically we believe this is an inappropriate course of action for a parent to take, and will likely end up causing them trouble in the end. That's not our goal and we can't endorse this sort of thing. Please stop posting this information here.



The government commits kidnapping, perjury, extorsion, and unlawful detainment (incarseration) against fathers that have committed no crimes. Most fathers fall helplessly into the governement web of confusion when the ex decides that life without him (but not without his income) is more fulfilling. The government commits crimes against citizens everyday and it all somewhat of a technicallity because what it all boils down to is our day in court. True if you want to avoid going to court at any cost than run from every idea that may set you free. Otherwise be prepared to stand and fight. Remeber that unlike family court you are intitled to a jury of your own peers in a criminal trail. The jury will interpret the law and the situation and make the final decision not the black robed thief that makes the decisions in family court. I prefer to believe that my fellow man will see things from a free mans point of view rather than that of a slave.