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child support

Started by justthesitter, Jul 06, 2006, 05:02:45 PM

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   I am a member here but haven't had to use the site for some time now.  Well, I am back!
   My brother has just been handed down another order for his child support to go up.  We are in Ohio.  He only makes $15 dollars an hr.   He is about $600 in arrears.  His monthly was 467.30, it is now 635.02 plus $127 for arrears.  He can hardly buy food for his self, let alone spend any sufficient time with his daughters for working so much over time now.  He has filed bankruptcy and that is already taken out of his check, plus the child support.  He has 14 days to contest this order.  Does anyone have any advice you can give us,  he is contesting this order, but not sure how far it will get him without legal counsel.
                          Thanks   Lorie   (justthesitter)


Find the child support calculator for Ohio and input the numbers and see what you come up with. Child support is the first thing our of the check so use the gross amount he makes. What was the reasoning for it goingup? Some states use both parents income. If BM quit working or has no job you need to prove she can work (but be ready to pay childcare costs).
Good luck!


We are in Ohio too. He can appeal the order and ask for a review (or whatever, if it's through the court).  There are administrative appeals that he can go through. My husband went through the same thing. Make sure that he gets whatever number they are using for her income and appeals anything (as voluntarily underemployed), if she is purposely making less.

What made them review it in the first place?


Well as I understand it, she is pregnant with her 4th child.  She told my brother that she did not instigate this last reveiw (right!) all she was doing was asking questions and the child support was having it reviewed.  
     Just to let you know he went to see a lawyer and they said something about deviation.  Ever heard of that?  He is paying off bankruptcy at a tune of 360.oo a WEEK, child support is set at this time at 107.oo a week.  He can handle this but JUST barely!  He comes home with about 100.oo or less a week.  Don't get me wrong, he wants to pay child support, he has some arrearages, he hasn't seen a tax return since I don't know when, and has another family.  If they make him pay 193.oo like they want a week, he will be working to pay child support only.  That will put him on the streets with his current family.  I hope that this lawyer can help him.  
     Where in Ohio are you located?  We are near Mansfield.  

Thanks for everything!!!!

sherrie ohio

A couple years back my husband  went through an review in Ohio.
The CS office figured other children both she and my husband had into it.Along with city taxes paid by either, and child care and insurance paid for the child in question.
Also overtime and extra money their bosses may have given either.These amounts were used to reduce or add to the gross amount both had on the form for figuring the amount of support my husband would owe.
Do ask for a review!!
In our county if the mother isn't working they input the amount of an min.wage job on her side of the form.
Good luck to your brother and his family! The CS office main concern is to make sure the father pay's as much as they can,leaves less for the state to spend out.
My husband doesn't mine paying the support but hate's being the money train for his ex and her current man who refuse to work.Best of luck !!

sherrie ohio

A couple years back my husband  went through an review in Ohio.
The CS office figured other children both she and my husband had into it.Along with city taxes paid by either, and child care and insurance paid for the child in question.
Also overtime and extra money their bosses may have given either.These amounts were used to reduce or add to the gross amount both had on the form for figuring the amount of support my husband would owe.
Do ask for a review!!
In our county if the mother isn't working they input the amount of an min.wage job on her side of the form.
Good luck to your brother and his family! The CS office main concern is to make sure the father pay's as much as they can,leaves less for the state to spend out.
My husband doesn't mine paying the support but hate's being the money train for his ex and her current man who refuse to work.Best of luck !!


"The CS office main concern is to make sure the father pay's as much as they can"

I have to disagree with you there.  I also live in Ohio and have an ex husband who is ordered to pay support ... a piddly amount for 2 children, based on HIS saying that he makes $8.00/hour, when in fact he makes well over $30/hour ... he lies, falsifies information, goes months and months without paying a dime, is behind to the tune of well over $15,000 ... and the state of Ohio child support system has done NOTHING to him.  He still has his drivers and professional licenses, he has never been slapped with a contempt charge (he continuously works his way out of any threat of contempt), and the people at the CS office bow to kiss his feet...while his children go without, and he continues to live in the lap of luxury in a brand new custom built home, driving a brand new car, and wearing designer clothes (And his kids have to shop and Wal Mart because that is all my income will allow).

Yes, I have contacted the CS offices, yes I have told them that he's lying, yes, they have contacted his employer, but still nothing is being done.  He started an accounting firm with his best friend - he is a CPA - everything is in his best friends name, and the best friend also falsifies pay stubs to show that my ex only makes $8.00 an hour.  

The state of Ohio child support system may rake SOME fathers over the coals, but others get off without having to support their children.

leon clugston

youre kids shop at Walmart, and he shops for designer cloths, lap of luxury and new car, sounds more like youre outraged for his ability to live this lifestyle and youre not, but yet you dont say youre kids are hurting, or how much he pays,,, the problem which is not in many cases but still happens in quite a few, is the vindictive CP uses the sytem to drag the other through the dirt,,and when a person doesn't even say for the better of the children or claim for the better of the children it sounds more like vindictive than factual needs of the children, youre divorced youre or his entitlement to one anothers equity no longer exists, nor do you or he have any entitlement to one anothers equity, only the kids do, and that is still limited.

leon clugston

youre kids shop at Walmart, and he shops for designer cloths, lap of luxury and new car, sounds more like youre outraged for his ability to live this lifestyle and youre not, but yet you dont say youre kids are hurting, or how much he pays,,, the problem which is not in many cases but still happens in quite a few, is the vindictive CP uses the sytem to drag the other through the dirt,,and when a person doesn't even say for the better of the children or claim for the better of the children it sounds more like vindictive than factual needs of the children, youre divorced youre or his entitlement to one anothers equity no longer exists, nor do you or he have any entitlement to one anothers equity, only the kids do, and that is still limited.

leon clugston

youre kids shop at Walmart, and he shops for designer cloths, lap of luxury and new car, sounds more like youre outraged for his ability to live this lifestyle and youre not, but yet you dont say youre kids are hurting, or how much he pays,,, the problem which is not in many cases but still happens in quite a few, is the vindictive CP uses the sytem to drag the other through the dirt,,and when a person doesn't even say for the better of the children or claim for the better of the children it sounds more like vindictive than factual needs of the children, youre divorced youre or his entitlement to one anothers equity no longer exists, nor do you or he have any entitlement to one anothers equity, only the kids do, and that is still limited.