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I posted this on Dear Socrateaser-sorry for the repeat

Started by williaer, Jul 10, 2006, 12:58:30 PM

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My husband and his ex have joint physical/legal custody of thier daughter.

In the order we agreed to keep the chid support at the same set amount, as long as she paid for the school lunches (2.25 per day) and we alternated tax exemption.

she came to me last night and said that she was thinking of taking the order to the school and seeing if the lunch price could be based on her income, so that thier daughter would  qualify for free lunch.

We are so appaled. She wants full child support and not to have to pay for anything during the month- but only keep her 2 weeks out of the month.

Do you think the school will go for it? My husband is the residential parent for school purposes. I don't know what trumps what here. Is it more important that he is the "residential parent" or that she is financially responsible for the school lunches?

If she gets away with this, we plan to file for a modification of the shared parenting agreement to adress the child support issue.

I just can't believe the greed.

leon clugston

The school lunch free lunch program(for which it is not)is based upon her income, or available funds in the household, it is supposed to based upon the residence of primary care upon income to household ratio, in youre case though since youre both custodians its a mirage that they overlook. Had the same situation here recently, the school wanting I to consent to his free lunches for which I refused, his mother did it, but not with my signature or approval, (I except no goverment created gratuitys).
Personally the child having a lunch regaurdless of how, is more impoprtant, but we all have points.