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Is this a typical CS payment?

Started by Mister Phoenix, Jul 19, 2006, 02:52:52 PM

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Mister Phoenix

Greetings from Florida.

This is my first post.

I pay 67% of my net income per month for child support for 3 children and to satisfy an past arrearage at $2038.00 from a net income of $3000.00 per month plus 4 quaterly bonuses of $1225.00 and my entire tax return. Is this typical? Above average? Extreme?
I am unable to locate average CS payment statistics.

Living on a net income of less than $1000.00 in Florida is quite a challenge but I am doing it. Being able to be a proper father to my children and able to afford to visit them is another matter.

First marriage CS for 2 children was $805.00
Second marriage CS for 1 child is $538.00
Remainder per month + bonuses & tax return will satisfy arrearage in 1 year and 9 months, plus keep me out of jail.
I also pay for medical insurance for child 1 & 2.

My average income over the last 10 years has been about $45K/year.

BM#1 earns +$100K/year
BM#2 earns $45K/year
I now earn about $53K/year

An arrearage of $32000.00 accumulated from 1996-2006 and the BM#1  took me to court in April. I was paying the arrearage off monthly but she wanted more. I had lost my job in 1997 and had to take low paying jobs in order to rebuild my career, is how the arrearage built up.

Sadly I can no longer afford the $300.00 per weekend visits to see two of my children or the trips on holidays to see the third.

Is this the way its supposed to be?

I feel less like a father and more like a person paying off a large credit card bill as the days from the last time I could afford to see my children grow longer....

Mister P

Mister Phoenix


I represented myself in court and devised this payment plan which was happily accepted and appreciated by everyone involved. It allows me to keep working, keep paying and gives a clear date for zero arrears.
Lawyers I spoke with were no help what so ever so I went it alone.

When all children reach 18 total support paid will be $250,000.00.
I am proud of the birth mothers and I being able to provide our children with the best schools, medical care, a safe auto and a good home in which to live.
I for the last ten years have rented rooms in others homes and driven  
autos paid with cash ($2000.00) so that I could pay support.
So it can be done, is only a matter of downsizing and reducing your needs.

I represented myself in both divorces and followed state guildelines for CS which both BM1 and BM2 agreed to follow.

leon clugston

this is how it is ment to be,, outside of the public knowledge,,, you need to get a copy of the state of Floridas cooperative agreements between the courts and the Child support division of that state,,if you are realy enterested,, then you will see what else is going on.


than you have to!  When was the last time CS to BM1 was calculated?  Now that you pay CS to BM2, you can get that amount deducted from your income level and vice versa.  I ran a quick calculator (just to get an idea) basically it said that your CS for BM1 would be around $200!!  So your gifting her $600 a month???

I think you need a new CS review!!!  
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Now I'm living....Just another day in Paradise!!


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