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Problems with DCSE

Started by iLUVmySD, Feb 28, 2007, 12:28:32 PM

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I haven't posted in a long while but would like to start out saying that SPARC is responsible for everything I have learned and used in our experience with fighting for custody and child support with regards to my SD who is now 7.

Our current battle is regarding getting the DCSE to do their job in representing a father with custody.  Apparently it is a novelty to have a father with custody in their office because even the forms my husband filled out to apply where geared towards the mother.  On every line he had to cross out "mother" and write in "father" on the DCSE application.

Here's a little history...

BM sent my SD to live with us in Arizona in March of 2004.  (BM lives in Nevada, 800 miles away.)

BM required my husband to continue to pay his court ordered child support obligation (per Nevada Child Support Order) for almost 2 years while SD was living in Arizona with no support and minimal contact from BM.

Finally in December of 2005, we were able to hire an attorney to go for custody in Arizona since there was no previous custody order.  In February of 2006, the Arizona court ordered that the BM could not remove my SD from the state until the custody hearing the following month.  My husband and BM ended up settling custody and visitation in mediation.  They agreed that SD would live primarily in Arizona with our family and have monthly and summer visits to BM in Nevada.

So in May of 2006, we had been in contact with the DCSE in Nevada trying to resolve some arrears still owed by my husband from the previous child support order.  He owed about 6 months worth of child support even though he had been taking care of my SD for 2 years and still paying BM.  The Nevada DCSE said they could not remove the balance owed without BM agreeing to close the case.  When we approached BM with the proposal, she would not remove the balance saying that the money was owed to her.  We then proceeded to initiate a child support case against BM in Arizona.

So now here we are today.  The Arizona DCSE requested that the Nevada DCSE initiate a case.  Our hearing is today over the phone.  We have been providing documentation and information left and right to the Nevada DCSE to prepare their case all the while believe that the Arizona DCSE provided the Nevada DCSE with all the information (court orders, etc.) we gave them.

Come to find out that the Nevada DCSE did not have any information we gave to the Arizona DCSE.  And that the Nevada DCSE believes that BM and my husband both have my SD for about 180 days per year!!! (Because that is what BM told them!!!)

When we found this out, we immediately faxed to the Nevada DCSE all the current court orders and visitation agreements stating that BM has my SD for about 104 days per year.

We're just nervous that because my husband is a father in a mother biased organization.  Even when he calls to talk about his case, the people he talks to are rude and short with him.  We are definitely feeling that there is discrimination by the DCSE against my husband in his pursuit to provide support his daughter.

Any words of wisdom or similar experience y'all can provide would be appreciated.  We will keep you posted as to the outcome of today's hearing!


My ex filed false charges against me saying I had not paid CS for over 6 months. I had all of the checks I had sent to her, she signed and deposited into HER account. The memo lines all said for CS XXX period with child's name.

Charges did not stick. She asked to have me put in jail (standard legalese). How can that possibly benefit the child?

Anyway, I then requested payments go through DCSE to establish solid proof of payment. Court agreed and it was so ordered. I completed the application, mailed it in and paid the fee. DCSE called me at work a couple of weeks later telling me they were going to return my application and check because my ex was supposed to put it in. I said NO WAY and they took it anyway. Everytime I have to talk to them (which is not often), I am treated like a common criminal.

I requested that my personal information be blocked in things that were sent to my ex (she has all she needs via court records) just as a matter of principal since they had a box asking if you wanted your personal information blocked. What happens?  All of her personal information is  blocked out. WTF?

I personally  have known women who get by without paying CS. They cry to the court and the court feels sorry for the girl and sticks it to the guys. It is wrong and should not be tolerated.

Just perservere. I would send the information to the Arizona and Nevada offices via certified return receipt requested mail to have proof they have it. Keep following up. Ask for names of each person you talk to and who their supervisor is and that persons contact information. Keep up the pressure.

Good luck.


So the Nevada court just screwed my husband.  BM has a 17 year old and a 9 year old with RA (special needs child).  The 17 year old does not live with her, but BM lied and said he does.  Based on the fact that BM is paying for 1/2 of travel costs (when she feels like it), joint custody (BM has her 31% of the year), and that BM has to pay daycare during most of the summer visitation time (SD is always watched by BM's mother and grandmother), the Nevada court ordered that BM does not have to pay child support even though she makes more than my husband!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are going to appeal and appeal and appeal until something happens or until BM's 17 year old turns 18 which is in October of this year.

How can a mother be satisfied that she does not support her own daughter??? I don't understand!!!!  She didn't even meet her Kindergarten teacher last year and she only met her first grade teacher this year because she had to come to court in Arizona in December.  Such a poor mother...It makes me sad and very angry!!!!