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Started by lala76, Apr 03, 2005, 08:51:20 AM

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Hi everyone this is my first time posting on here I usually just read info on the board to help my fiance out...I have a question my fiances custody agreement states that his ex gets the children on each of their birthdays does this mean only the child whose birthday it is that date or all of the children??? She has called us this morning on a rampage about his sons bday which is next week the other 2 kids dont want to go because they have basketball games on saturday and she is demanding all of them...please help          


Each of (their) birthdays, that would mean only that one child.  Remember it is best for the children if they have both parents involved in their lives.  Co-parent.  

Picket L.A. Superior Court / Reform Family Law.  For more information contact:

[email protected]


thank you for your response we are letting her take all 3 of them and  letting them miss their games since she wont take them to the games..  yes i know its best for both parents to be involved and co parent i make sure my fiance provides her with games schedules and schedules for all activities we were hoping that if she would have them all she would be willing to take the other 2 to their basketball games saturday morning but she wont.. we usually have them on saturdays..


It is too bad that their mother won't take them to their games.  It's so stupid when adults act like children.  Why can't they see that they are hurting their children as much as their exes?
My son plays baseball and I certainly don't enjoy having to see my ex at  his games but I'd never deny my son the opportunity to participate in an activity he enjoys for my personal comfort.  
It's very important to my 12 yo that both parents are there to share in his achievements and disappointments.  We only have a short time to be involved in their lives, even less time when we are divorced, it's a shame that this mother can't put her children's needs before her own.
Try not to get discouraged and know that your consistency will pay off in the long run.


I dont get her at all but we told the kids that this weekend they may have to miss their games...Sometimes she says things then changes her mind at the last second so hopefullyl she will have a change of heart..She doesn't come to any of the games and we give her schedules way in advance... I try not to get discouraged but sometimes I wonder is she ever going to change.... I pray that she will..  
