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Action Alert~Illinois. We CAN make a difference...

Started by MYSONSDAD, Feb 04, 2005, 06:12:18 PM

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Shared Parenting Action Alert

The time has come to make your opinions known to our state
legislators that parents and children need Shared Parenting
and a more practical child support model.

Please take time over the next week or so to start calling and then
faxing State Representatives and Senators to ask them to support the
Shared Parenting bill being sponsored by Rep Richard Myers, Paul
Froehlich, and Sidney Mathias--and clearly everyone you talk to that
you do NOT support the proposed bill by the Illinois State Bar which
would water-down the definition of "parent."

We've worked long and hard over the past 12 months to make our Shared
Parenting proposal a reality. There would be NOTHING WORSE than to
have a family court system already run amok by outdated and unworkable
statutes to be modified in such a way that provides an even more
difficult environment for fit parents in our family court system.

Also let them know that Illinois' child support statutes are in dire
need of reform, and are damaging to blended families of non-custodial

If you have questions or would care to share letters or conversations
you've had with state lawmakers, please feel free to do so.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Michael Burns
Executive Director
Dialog on Sustainable Community
Chicago, IL

"Children learn what they live"


In summary, what is the content of the proposed Shared Parenting bill and the proposed bill by the Illinois State Bar which would water-down the definition of "parent. ??

Does the Shared Parenting bill give rise to more false accusations because it contains language similiar to 'absent DV' ?  

Are there any provisions for immediate removal of attorneys and judges that do not heed any jurisprudence what-so-ever ??


They've managed to successfully eliminate any definition of "Emancipation" for adult children.  Several years ago, there were well defined criteria for emancipation, i.e. marriage, joining the armed forces, etc... Now these criteria have DISAPPEARED.  I've been studying case law regarding college support, and the only reference to emancipation I can find in any of the statutes is in regards to emancipated minors.  The state of Illinois now does not consider a child of divorce "emancipated" until they receive a BACHELOR's DEGREE.  And, according to our attorney, if it takes 10 years to earn said degree, then we're on the hook to pay for 10 years.  (Yes, we're looking for another attorney - know of anyone???)

The state legislators, I believe, deliberately did this so that those of us who pay support would have to continue to do so indefinately...x(   After paying for 17 years, and looking forward to the graduation date, IT WILL NEVER END if they have their way!!!!

This makes me absolutely sick.


I know EXACTLY how you feel. This is something I have also researcehd. My uncle got divorced 6 months ago, his son is in college, my uncle does not have to pay support on him. But, uncle and his ex both agreed to it. I think that is the only way out.

Some time ago, a father from McHenry was ordered to pay or go to jail. He had a second family and a baby who needed constant medical care. The court sideswiped the sick child and ruled in favor of his first child to a college education. They held a candlelight vigil. From what I understand, he came up with the money and nothing more has been mentioned about how it ended up. I do know, he did not have to serve time.

There are many wrongs in this State. It is like we live in the dark ages...


"Children learn what they live"


This certainly deserves more research. If things are so messed up in Ill, then they're going to be messed up everywhere else.

Perhaps we should enlist Oprah? No joke. And Dr. Phil. Maybe the media is a major part of the whole struggle.

Doesn't anyone care about the kids equal access to both parents anymore???


There is one other way out of paying the support. We could all get together and say "NO"...what are they going to do arrest us all? Take away or licenses? (we could say "no" to that too). I say we all pull from the examples of Ghandi, Martin Luterh King Jr. and others and tell them morons "NO MORE"!

Sorry this just makes me so mad sometimes.




... Growing Up in a Changing World (1983) by Vance Packard and publisted by Little and Brown; pg 244 "many states began passing laws specifying that in custody matters their courts would respect the court decision in the state where the grant of custody originated.  But there were always 'safe' states, a dozen or so, including Illinois and Washington."

Packard (1914 - ????) wrote of many social-ills and in this particular book he focused on the sickness of all the issues of the break-down of the family unit and particularly focused on the effects of children which he claims began in the mid 1960's.  One point I'm trying to make is that what ya'll are experiencing today has been rehearsed many many many times before you .... it is my strong opinion that any positive changes have occured because of the damage that has been put apon children that could not somehow be covered up or excused.  Changes did not happen because we politely ASKED politicans to do anything.      

While supporting ALL efforts to correct a broken system I hope most of all that your children are protected and survive.


my DH's divorce stated CS ends at 18 or graduate HS, whichever comes last.  College will be paid by both parents pro rated on income levels.  College must of 4 consecutive years (sure would pay if it took longer b/c you can't really do it in 4 yrs anymore) immediately following college unless join the military first.

IL is not as bad as what it is being made out to be here.  But it does hold the first family first. And guess what, we should all know that going into another marriage with more kids.  I am the SM and I  have a 4 year old with a disability. I would never ask that DH's CS be dropped b/c of this. I think he is supposed to pay a fair amount. Why should his other children suffer b/c I decided to have another child. And I have another on the way.  That is my decision to make. I knew this going into the marriage.  

I don't know the story of the McHenry man (I live about an hour from there) but do know that there are many places he could've gotten help with those medical bills.  My daughter had a valve still open in her heart after birth. I was set up with an organization that basically covered her cardiology bills that insurance didn't pay.  I'm not saying this man was at fault or anything but if the children from his first marriage lived with him, he would still do what he needed for them to make sure they had what they needed.

I know I am going to be flamed for this but I think you need to do what is needed for all of your children.  I think IL is fair in their CS calculations. It is a percentage of NCP's net income. Other states calculate at much higher amounts and even take new spouse's income into account. DH's ex's attorney tried to get my income heard in court before. DH dodged the question stating he didn't know what I made (he didn't honestly) and it was never ordered to be shown.

My DH has gone through periods of not paying and it was his fault. You don't do that to your kids. His kids suffered ALOT b/c of it and he would deserve it to be thrown in jail for it too.

What area are you in? If you are by me I can recommend an attorney that really fought for my DH and really knows the law etc. She is prompt, calls you back and is upfront with you. I loved her. Let me know and I can give you her name and number if you are close enough.


Thanks very much for the info.

As for Illinois being "fair" in child support calculations, I have to respectfully disagree with you.  The fact that the CP income is not considered makes it less fair than other states.  In Illinois, the CP could win the lottery and become a millionare, and the NCP's payment would not decrease one bit.  You see, it's not about providing for the child, it's about punishment.

Admittedly, I've become a little bitter.  I've been in the Illinois CS system for 15 years now.  DH currently pays $1100.00 for one child, and that's just not right.  It has nothing to do with subsequent children... Child Support needs to be based on the child's actual needs.  In our case, BM makes only 20K per year, so we now supply more than half of her income, and she doesn't pay a dime of tax on child support, as we all know.  She has never been motivated to use that money to better her condition via more schooling, but rather uses it for vacations and tanning instead.  She has been continually rewarded because of her ex's exemplary work ethic.  This is a man who went back to college and got a bachelor's degree while also working 50 hours per week and supporting another family.  He works hard, she sits on her butt and reaps the benefits.  He made only 6 dollars per hour at the time of the divorce.  She is fighting like hell now to keep that child support money coming in, in spite of the fact that her "child" is now an adult.  She does not feel that her "child" should need to attend college classes full time or have any required GPA to collect college support.  (Here comes another generation of "do-nothings" who will expect to have their way paid for them while they sit on the couch playing Play Station and munching on Doritos.  Hey, why not? It worked for Mom!!!)

In addition, you are incorrect in stating that Illinois does not consider spousal income.  They started doing so about 2 years ago.  In the event that your DH is taken back to court for more CS, they can and WILL consider YOUR income.  You may want to research this further.

My DH has paid and paid and paid - for 17 years, ever since his ex kicked him to the curb because she had someone else and decided she was "too young" to be married.  He's never missed a payment and has never been late.  The time has come now for it to be OVER, but it won't be.

The CS system has created a bunch of entitled, lazy brats.  That's just my opinion....

I'm absolutely not flaming you, so please don't take it that way.  I'm just extremely frustrated at being told that Illinois isn't "that bad", when  my own experience tells me otherwise.:(