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Getting better every minute.

Started by c_alexander, Feb 09, 2005, 10:41:52 PM

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As if things weren't bad enough, my truck lost oil pressure the other day and screwed up the engine in my truck....I was told the engine needs to be replaced. It is really screwed.

I have been unable to save even a fraction of what I need to move to Colorado and without a job or transportation I don't know how I am going to pull this off.

In 2 months I have been unable to find a job and couldn't maintain a job without reliable transportation. Not to say that the job market around here is that good. Mc Donalds isn't even hiring.

I just feel like I hit rock bottom.

Over the past 8 years I have been through Hell and back with this divorce, lawyers, jobs, and countless troubles one after the next. A guy can only take so much before that gun to the head thing begins looking pretty good......


I think many here have problems, so you are not alone. All of us working in the same direction.

All my life, I heard, "God only gives you what you can handle".
Might be something to it. You get older and wiser. And you pull an inner strenght from within.

Work with the positives going for you.

I noticed Knight radio have your ribbon front and center. Look for my order tomorrow, I need at least four. Can't really afford them, but they send a message.

About the engine, go to a wrecking yard where they take vehicles that are in accidents. Shop around, you can probably find a wrecked truck matching yours. It will save you a few bucks.


Keep keepin on Man ! I have seen the shit My self , And the shit is alway's the worst , But Work for the future , And try not to cause any further harm with the frustration of it all . Take that from some one who has got pissed and did things that cost a lot to undo .


I'm very very sorry for what you are going through.  These posters have given you some great advice, to which I'd like to add my two cents.

It looks as if your life has completely spun out of balance, which is understandable under the circumstances.  I think you're getting some signs that you need to slow down, take a breath and re-group.  Go for a walk or get together with a friend... talk about anything OTHER than your divorce situation.  Take things one day, one minute, at a time, and don't get so far ahead of yourself.  I know this seems impossible from where you're sitting now, but you really need some time and space to clear your head.

Believe me, so many of us have been where you are now, and I know you may think I'm nuts for telling you to get your mind off of it - but you really need to get some distance from this stuff or it is going to destroy you.  And if that happens, then your daughter loses.

Think "balance"... you need to balance your efforts to move with maintaining your everyday life.  After you've taken a few days off from thinking about the situation, sit down and make a concrete plan starting with how you're going to get that truck fixed.  First order of business is to find employment.  Without it, you'll get absolutely nowhere.  I don't know what your education level or your skills are, and I might sound ridiculous for suggesting this... but what about becoming a truck driver?  You could maybe get a route that goes out to Colorado and back a few times a month, see your daughter and earn money at the same time.  Here's a link:

I'm grasping at straws, but you seem to be open to suggestions.  Please take care of yourself.

Best Regards,


I appreciate the support, and I know that people here have been there and back. I certainly wish they hadn't though. No one should have to go through all this.

I guess the biggest problem I have is at 33 years old I am....NOTHING. I don't have a home, a car, any real savings, a career, a girlfriend or wife, heck not even a handful of friends. About the only thing I have is my daughter and she's been taken halfway across the country.

For years I have tried to fight to get back what was taken from me that day I walked in on my wife cheating on me...July 12th, 1997...I'll never forget that day. Since that moment it seems as though the torment has been non stop. Everything thta could go wrong has gone wrong and at the very worst times. Normally I am a very upbeat and positive kind of guy, but a guy can only take so much you know. All I ever wanted was a good job, a loving wife, and a family to call my own. Rich or Poor I did not care...I just wanted to be happy.

I am sorry for unloading all this right here right now. It jsut you all are th eonly bunch that can understand what I am saying. No one around here really can because they have not been there. Perhaps if I can jsut vent this pain and anger and hurt inside me I can clear my mind and focus on what I have to do.

Just for once though I wish things would work out......I am beginning to think I am cursed or something.

As for the truck driving I checked into it once and I don't think it is for me. A lot of companies around here will work a newbie into the ground. the pay is not all that great, and I am not certified to drive a truck either . I would have to goto school for it. I had thought about trying to get a job with a company that is both here AND in Colorado, but not having much luck. Home Depot was my best bet, but they hired some jerk who worked in maintenance at a local factory for 20 years....what business a person like that has for applying at Home Depot I don't know but I'd like to wring his neck.

I have to go for now. I have to see if I can manage to get my truck working. If not I am royally screwed.



You have yourself and your daughter. And that is the greatest Gift of all...

"Children learn what they live"



Hey Chris,
I just wanted to tell you that no matter what....hang in there. Keep on keeping on everyday the sun rises. Keep fighting the urge to give in to the negatives, and find any positives. If need be realize that the sun rising in the morning is a positive thing, it's one more day that things could turn your way, it's another day of that uphill struggle that brings you that much closer to the top of that mountain you are trying to overcome.
I've seen my share of struggles as well. I've had that gun to my head, seriously, but told myself what if things will change if I give it enough time. At 33 I had absolutely nothing, except that everyday was the first day of the rest of my life and each day was one day closer to finally getting over the mountain I was climbing.
Very slowly things did change. Now I'm 43. I got custody of my 12 yr old daughter 4 yrs ago. Just this last fall I was reunited with my 22 yr old daughter from a previous relationship that I hadn't seen in 15 yrs. due to divorce mess. I can't regain those 15 yrs, but I can be thankful that they are behind me, I'm stronger for it, and I have that daughter back in my life again.
Man it's hard as hell sometimes to find that inner strength to keep on fighting for where we want to be in life. Sometimes it's just about telling yourself that even if you don't know where the top of the mountain is and don't know how much more uphill battles you have, that you gotta know that mountains do have tops.
Best wishes