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Started by Foster_Mom, Jun 27, 2005, 03:01:27 PM

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Ok I am concerned for my husband who struggles each and every day to maintain his relationship with his children. I have looked at all the information present on this sight for something in relation to a Parenting Coodinator and have found nothing. Apperently it was something that was given to the courts as an option for divorced and divorcing parents back in 2001. A Parenting coordinator is supposed to help in resolving high conflict divorces so as to reduce the stress on the children. BM had her atty file a motion for the courts to appoint a Parenting Coordinator to our case but it is costly and extreemly time consuming and no where in any of the infomation that I have found does this type of indivdual advocate for Shared parenting and over all they are strickly for modification of a decree in whitch parents can work together even if that means that one parent or the other has to give up time with the kids to resolve the conflict. I am concerned that this is a ploy on her part to get custody changed in her favor. As it stands now they have joint physical legal and residential custody with niether parent holding custodial parent status but mom still has the larger amount of time spent with the kids. BM keeps thretening my DH that she is going to take away his time and I am concerned that the parenting coordinator is more of an advocate for the mothers plight than the father or better yet shared parenting. If anyone has had experiance with this type of person insight would be appreciated.


It sounds like mediation. The mediator tries to get both sides to agree and then it goes before the court to get signed off instead of a hearing/trial. Try to ignore the threats and document, document, document. :)