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You won't believe this!!

Started by flewwellin, Jul 09, 2005, 09:36:21 AM

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Thanks for the info but we have tried all that, but becasue dad is not listed as a dad the school is not obligated to give us anything.  Additionally, we have corrected our info for the last 5 years via letter to the school, ie names, numbers, siblings, contact info etc.  All gets changed as the school says the custodial parent can call at any time and change the info, even with a mediator that has ordered her to make the correct changes we once again this year found out that dads "work" number was mysteriously her friends cell phone and had been changed sometime in between last August and April.  

According to the schools attorney the ONLY thing the school is obligated to send a NCP is the report card, not the midterms, not field trip info, not the normal emergency contact info handed out at the beginning of school, no picture order forms NOTHING!  We have asked for copies of the papers that go home weekly with the child, but those are not considered records.  The schools answer was to have the child come down to the copy room at the end of the day and copy them for us, nothing like putting the child in the middle and putting his mom in  a poor light that the court order says NOT to do.  One of the things we typically get is that  they are not a named party to the court order so they do not have to provide any info, even though the court order states that both parents have the right to obtain any information regarding the child from any third party.

As for the medical records, HIPAA has taken care of alot of that  - mom refuses to provide medical info even doctors names and numbers and has even gone so far as to put restrictions on the accounts which we do have information on but no more time money or resources to go to court anymore, after 11 years we are about drained financially, mentally and physically.  The doctors for the attorney have even given us information on her refusal to give us information on the child and they will not divulge anything to us.  The child came to us this summer on 4 medications and no note as to why or what they are for and how to dose, only a note that she knows what she has to do and take and when.  


My Dh and I haven't had the financial status to be able to go to court. Neither one of us has any assets to liquidate, his credit was screwed up when the divorce was finalized, he pays a lot in child support monthly, my credit is maxed out (what little I have) with a car and a mortgage and a small mastercard.  There is no one that we know that will let us borrow money.  Either they dont' have it or they think it's not worth fighting about.


OMG this iss too much
one post asked why would a mother do this to their child, because its a control situation.  we are going through this very same situation. and today husband recieved paper work from Bm attorney giving husband seven days to answer to the request and if not she will petition the courts to change the custody agreement
there is one statement in the stipulation that makes hits this all on the head and it does not take a rocket scienctist to figure her out, she want father to have two non back to back weeks with the father,, mmm very interesting, i hope the courts catch on to this,,
also, the son has not called the father..
the mother is also a stay at home mom, according to the son she is on the internet all day....

yes i agree many would love to fight for their kids but just have the money...


I swear the more I am on this site the more I hate our judicial system!!  The kids are who get screwed in the long run, oh but don't forget this is all in "The Best Interest Of The Child"  Excuse my language but BULLSHIT!


LIVED it with my DH.  He provided for his ex and their 3 children to be a SAHM, this is AFTER he paid for her college education to be a teacher which she only did for 2 years!  She got permission to move the children from No. CA to Alaska (most on this board know our story).  She said her new husband (along with $1600.00/mo. child support) could provide for her to continue to stay at home.  The judge said that both parents were equally capable of providing a stable home, but that since the children were accustomed to mom being at home that he would allow her to move them over 3000 miles away from their dad.  He has not seen them in 8 months.  Happens all the time.


I am a victim of this. My ex has it set that I cannot get my son out of daycare even if she becomes in capable of getting him. Only her friend can get him out without special permission. If I have to pick him up, she has to sign a release. It upsets me that in a emergency I cannot have access to my son.


I'm sorry that this happens a lot but it still pisses me off!  I dont' understand why court systems don't care ( because I know they see it) and don't do anything about these spiteful parents!


Two words...sick and wrong!  BM in our situation tells SD that "she doesn't have to work because she gets checks in the mail"  HAHAHA...if only we all could.  Makes me believe there is more going on with mommy dearest and her extracurricular activities...