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Started by Hawkeye, Oct 19, 2005, 06:05:21 PM

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Go to //www.hisside.com and look in the upper right corner for the campaign regarding the PBS documentary.
"Join Campaign Against PBS's Breaking the Silence!"

Glenn has an email form you can use to easily give PBS your thoughts about this unfair program, scheduled to air nationwide, tomorrow (Thursday) night. I think his web-guy put the page together in a big hurry as the "send" button is tricky to find... Scroll slowly and horizontally after you complete the form. It's there, I sent mine.

If we can't get the program stopped at this late hour, we MUST persuade PBS to allow a rebuttal which is precisely what Ned Holstein, M.D., M.S. and founder of Boston based //www.fathersandfamilies.org is asking for our help with. Don't let PBS get by with unfair information!

Your taxdollars support PBS.

MORE... From //www.fathersandfamilies.org...

On Thursday, PBS (Public Broadcasting System) stations around the country will air a one-hour documentary entitled "Breaking the Silence; Children's Stories." This film is an arrow aimed at the heart of the shared parenting movement. It says that those of us who want to share the custody of our children are wife beaters, and child abusers too. It gives no air time to opposing points of view.

We must respond.

Your mission is to help us generate heat on this taxpayer-supported network for abandoning balanced journalism and broadcasting blatant propaganda. You can do this by going to the link at the bottom of this email, which will take you to a website where you will have everything you need to respond: contact information for PBS executives, more details about the program, suggested letter, etc.

Responding to this show is extremely important. It is being picked up by radio stations, newspapers and other media outlets. We are demanding an opportunity to rebut.

A coalition of organizations around the country is working cooperatively to respond to this slander. We will generate a substantial response, but your participation is essential.

The program claims that in 75% of cases in which fathers seek either shared or sole custody of their children, they have a history of being batterers. The show also claims that two-thirds of the time mothers allege domestic violence, custody goes to the fathers anyway. The show further implies that almost all child abusers are fathers and that parental alienation is a ruse by batterers to win custody. These assertions are false.

Our demand is that PBS give us an opportunity to rebut these smears on the air.

Please act right now by going to Glenn Sacks's web site:



There is a tremendous amount of activity taking place around the country regarding Shared Parenting and other issues associated with domestic relations and the family courts.  This email touches on three separate items.   Stephen Baskerville has new articles in print, ACFC has begun a radio and billboard campaign in Illinois and Thursday night PBS will air a one-sided documentary called Breaking the Silence.



Stephen's latest article is published in the American Conservative Magazine and deals with domestic relations issues affecting military personnel.  The article pulls no punches in describing the problems experienced by servicemembers as they fight one battle overseas while simultaneously attempting to preserve their relationships with their children and fight battles thousands of miles away in the family courts.  

Ron Smith, drive time radio show host on WBAL, interviewed Baskerville last week regarding the article and issues facing our military. A number of callers affirmed Baskerville's assertions concerning the problems our military members confront in domestic relations court while on active duty.  Read the article here.

Stephen also had a recent letter published in the Washington Times concerning Phyllis Schlafly's taking up the cause of Shared Parenting and family court reform.  Read the letter here.

News with Views carried a Baskerville piece on VAWA (violence against women act).  Read it here.  Updating on VAWA, the House and Senate passed different versions of the bill.  The bill is now in conference committee where the language differences will be reconciled producing a single bill for approval by both chambers.  We are continuing to work on improving the language.  Thanks to all of you who responded to our action alert on this issue.  Several thousand of you took action.



On another front, ACFC IS TAKING THE FAMILY COURT REFORM BATTLE DIRECTLY TO THE STREETS.  Today, the first of two billboards blasting the family court was erected in Champaign, Illinois.  The billboard calls directly on the local family court judge, Arnold Blockman, to reform the family court.  Late tomorrow another billboard will go up and beginning next week radio spots will run for a month encouraging family court reform.  View the billboard.  

A group of concerned parents came forward and asked ACFC to assist them with this task.  Those parents were afraid of retaliation if they acted on their own, so we are doing this together.  They want change and are willing to band together with their time and money to make it happen.  We'll keep you informed as the campaign progresses.  Acting together we can get things done.



Tomorrow night PBS stations around the country will air Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories.  October is national domestic violence awareness month.  This documentary presents a one-sided view of domestic abuse designed specifically to prejudice the courts and public against fathers by portraying us primarily as child abusers.  


The group RADAR has been actively working for change in the area of domestic abuse reporting.  RADAR monitors the media and responds to inaccurate and misleading reporting with the FACTS.  RADAR has issued an alert regarding this program and asks you to take specific action.  Read and respond here.

ACFC is also supporting Glenn Sacks and joining with several of our affiliates and other organizations calling on PBS to provide the opportunity to respond to this misguided, prejudicial programming.  Our goal is to let PBS know this type of biased reporting posing as responsible journalism should not be tolerated.  Click here to read more and TAKE ACTION.

As an interesting side note, the film's producer's called ACFC in April indicating they wanted an interview in an effort to provide balance to the piece.  Subsequently they backed out of the scheduled interview indicating they had enough footage and would 'get back to us' if they needed anything further.  I can only assume that 'balance' was sacrificed to the political agenda of the sponsors on this one.  Let us know what you think.

Thanks again to all of you who renewed your membership in ACFC.  If you have not done so it's not too late.  We are able to continue efforts as a result of your generosity.

Another way you can help is to forward this message to others and encourage them to take action as well.


Mike McCormick
Executive Director
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ACFC Washington Office 1718 M St. NW. #187 Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 800-978-3237 Email: [email protected]


PBS "Breaking the Silence" Not Ready For Prime Time

October 17, 2005

by Carey Roberts

Propaganda pieces normally contain an indisputable kernel of truth, which is then artfully embellished with innuendo, distortions, and half-truths. By that standard, the upcoming PBS program, Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories, doesn't even qualify as good fiction.

The program is so larded with Leftist fantasies and sweeping stereotypes you begin to wonder if producers Dominique Lasseur and Catherine Tatge thought they were doing a special for Sesame Street. A nice bedtime story wouldn't be so bad, except this tale targets fathers and families.

Breaking the Silence leads off with this whopper: "One-third of mothers lose custody to abusive husbands." That outrageous statement contains two falsehoods.

First, divorced fathers win custody of their children only 15% of the time, so the one-third figure is obviously suspect.

Second, women are known to be just as abusive as men. As a recent report from the Independent Women's Forum notes, "approximately half of all couple violence is mutual...when only one partner is abusive, it is as likely to be the woman as the man."   [ //www.iwf.org/articles/article_detail.asp?ArticleID=815]

Continuing its mean-spirited dissing of dads, Breaking the Silence goes on to claim that children are "most often in danger from the father." Apparently the producers never bothered to read the recent report from the US Department of Health and Human Services which reveals that the majority of perpetrators of child abuse and neglect are female. [ //www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cb/publications/cmreports.htm ]

But the real objective of the PBS fusillade is to whitewash the problem of Parental Alienation Syndrome. Divorcing parents – usually mothers – sometimes try to turn the children against the other parent. If the mother can claim that the kids are refusing to talk to dad, she is almost certain to win child custody.

John Gray, PhD, author of the best-selling book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, describes women he has seen who "will do all sorts of things to prevent the father from taking charge of the children, then they'll turn around and say the father doesn't participate."

The problem of brainwashing moms is well-known to lawyers, attorneys, and psychologists. I've seen this problem myself, and the long-term effects on children can be so profound that I consider it one of the most pernicious forms of child abuse.

But the rad-fems want to keep the lid tightly sealed on PAS, since it is one of their most effective ploys for excluding fathers. And gaining child custody is a mother's meal ticket to many years of tax-free child support. So Breaking the Silence does everything to discredit PAS, calling it "junk science" and a psychological "invention."

To lend the veneer of scientific respectability, the producers brought in Joan Meier, a law professor at George Washington University. But Meier brings her own set of credibility problems. In a recent interview, she made this claim from left field: "batterers are twice as likely to contest as non-batterers. And they often win sole or joint custody." [ //www.washingtontimes.com/familytimes/20050709-104258-3244r.htm ]

Maybe Meier was suffering from a brain cramp that day. Or perhaps she was thinking of Clara Harris, the Texas woman who fatally battered her husband by driving over him with her car. Just seven months after her murder conviction, Harris was granted custody of her two five-year-old boys.

So why would PBS engage in this wanton abuse of truth? The answer lies in the broader feminist crusade to overturn the Patriarchy. Get dad out of the picture, they say, and the children will grow up to be more enlightened human beings.

But research proves the opposite is true. Countless studies show that kids with absent dads do far worse on a broad range of academic, social, and psychological indicators. [ //www.fatherhood.org/fatherfacts.asp]

Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, is credited with the concept of the Big Lie. Repeat a falsehood a thousand times, and it becomes the truth.

In 1935, the Big Lie claimed that Jewish bankers and businessmen were wrecking the German economy, which necessitated their forced removal from society. Seventy years later, the Big Lie would have you believe fathers constitute a menace to women and children, so their exclusion is necessary as well.

This coming Thursday at 10pm, the Public Broadcasting Corporation is planning to air the latest incarnation of the Big Lie -- unless they hear from viewers like you. Contact your local PBS station at //www.pbs.org/stationfinder/index.html .

Because even Big Bird needs a daddy's hug.

Carey Roberts

Carey Roberts is a researcher and consultant who tracks gender bias in the mainstream media.



"Children learn what they live"


Thanks MySonsDad... I've been spreading the word about this PBS everywhere possible tonight.  I think that if and when it airs tomorrow night, it will prove us right, it is the radical-fem-nazis that are on the attack, not us Dads who just want to fulfill our responsibility to our children for 18 years, in person and not via payments. 9 months is alot of whining, compared to 18 years for dedicated Dads.