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Call WA state Senator Hargrove today in support of SB6270 -- Shared Parenting Initiative!

Started by minicoopsmom, Jan 13, 2006, 04:27:35 PM

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I haven't been on for a while, but I am in WA. and truthfully, WA sucks when it comes to family court.  I would love to do ANYTHING that I can do to help!!!  Let me know and please keep me updated!!!


Write your letters, make your phone calls. If you'd like to tap in more to discussions about these bills in the legislature and other family court issues....sign up for

[email protected]

also watch for updates on toprights.org

Right now were dealing with the democrats on the Human Services Committe holding this bill hostage. Senator Hargrove will not let the bill out of committee without a unanimous vote. (Issue #1, it should be MAJORITY not Unanimous, but he's the chair....) Secondly, Senators Regala and Thibideau won't vote for it. We need to put the pressure on them. Regala belives that Judges should have discretion to decide shared pareting, unfortunately, that's not a good solution because they RARELY award it (hence the need for the bill.) Thibideau is in the pockets of the DV lobby who don't want this bill because they claim that it will harm abused mothers and children. BUT there is a clause in there that addresses this issue too. Shared parenting is only for good parents. Not parents charged with abuse, neglect, drug use, etc. And there are already domestic violence laws in effect that should take care of domestic violence issues, KWIM?

Anyway that's the update. If anyone wants to email me: [email protected]

Keep up the fight! The original bill sponsor (a democrat) says he's been fighting for this for 10 years and will continue the fight until he's thrown from office. Someday this will happen and other states will follow.  If you know what side your Rep. or Senator stands on this issue, that's good info. for me to know too, we're keeping tabs on who is anti family and pro family.


Thanks for the heads up on this bill.  I am going to be in Olympia on  Wednesday the 15th of February to meet with the Chairwomen of the Family Law Committee to introduce my fight for custody of my daughter and ask for a bill to bring oversight to the (anti) Family Court Services.
Any support would be appreciated.  


Still waiting for an update on 6270, but there are a couple other bills that you should know about as well:

check out toprights.org for our updates on Family Law bills.

And you can go to leg.wa.gov and search for house bills or senate bills, these are the biggies you should read:

SB = senate bill
HB = house bill

SB6270 - shared parenting

HB2462 - Reviewing CS tables, this we are FOR, we worked on this long and hard and while DSHS doesn't want to reveiw the tables because MA and PA have found that shared income model OVERSTATES the CS that an NCP should pay, we're forcing them to address this and other issues like credit for residential time, and support for second famlies.
HB2786 - Schools notifying NCPs of childs events, grades (without having to fight the CP for the info.)

Good luck, post here or e-me at [email protected] if you want to talk more.


I already emailed you and got no answer. Did you get it?

BTW, did I tell you that I have a very close connection to a bulk mailing business?
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


We have a forum at [email protected]

If any of you are interested in helping/talking about these issues, join us. Tell them eLisa sent you. :)

We post meeting updates, trips to Olympia, town hall meetings, and everything that we know of that is going on. We need more people to join us and someone with contacts in direct mail (4honor) would be great.

The problem is building a database of people (voters) in WA that can act with us and whom we can communicate with so they can write letters, come speak, help us organize.

I believe this is possible because other states are presenting shared parenting bills also. TN and WI have bills in their legislature which address  this same issue and CA tried to pass it once already too.

If only we had access to the lists of Payors in the DSHS database, I'll bet we could get some real notice if we all stood up and marched on Olympia together!! Look at what the other groups that lobbied for their rights have managed to do.

[email protected]