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If there are any of the old timers out there...

Started by Rakkasan, May 24, 2006, 05:21:24 AM

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JayC is me

Hey RAK!!

Hope things are still going well! I'm still kicking around and nobody has shot me yet! :)
You're a fighter, you can do it my friend!

::::waves:::: Hi gang! Miss my extended family bunches!

Waylon, brutha, I can't login with my real handle and I don't get the PW at my email [email protected] so I made do for now. You know I wouldn't resort to hacking into my account ;-)


Hey Rak! I am not on here much anymore either, but I do check in once in a while. Sorry to hear that you are sick, but I am glad to know that you are fighting it! We will keep you in our prayers.

Parker will be back in your life again, I am sure of it. My DH just got back one of his nieces after 10 years! She was old enough to remember what her family was really like and as soon as she was legally able, she came running back home. I am sure that Parker knows where to find you.




How are you doing w/ treatment.

I hope they can get all the cancer out.  Hugs to you

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**