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I need advice!

Started by ryderprider72, May 24, 2006, 05:46:27 PM

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My ex and me split up 2 months after my boy was born. Drinking was a problem, not with physical abuse, more that I was never around. The boy lives with her and we had a verbal agreement about child support and visitation. I quit drinking for over a year but have since started again. Nothing crazy like it was but drinking never the less. She recently found this out and said that I can't see my child until I get a lawyer and we settle this in court. I owe alot in bills and my entire checks goto them, food and gas. If I go out I spend $20 at most. I make too much for legal aid. I've never been drunk, let alone had a beer around my kid.
Question 1, Is there anything I can do in the mean time while I raise money for a lawyer about this situation?
Question 2, will it hurt me alot in court about my drinking?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


If drinking was a big issue before, then you really need to make a choice at this point. If I were you, I would start going to AA meetings and stop the drinking in order to see your child and get through the courts. I would volunteer to put in the court papers that you will not drink in front of your child. Then IF you can handle the drinking, you do what you want on your time as long as you are not getting in trouble, driving. or having visitation with your child. This is just my opinion. Good luck!


Ok, sit down with a legal pad and write this question and the date on the first page.

Am I an alcoholic?  And then the date.....

A few days later do the same thing again but this time with your favorite beverage in front of you.

A few days later do this after several of your favorite beverages.  

A few days later, read the pages – and then answer the this question.

Am I in control of my life, what are my priorities and what is really important in my life?

You could very well have your answer within the above pages.

maid marion

If the drinking was an issue before and she can prove that then you'll probably have problems getting around it. Were you ever in trouble with the law because of it?
Personally I would just quit and then it won't be an issue. AA is an excellent place to get free help with stopping.
As far as what to do while you save for a lawyer.....can you handle a part time job? It might help you  to stop drinking all together seeing as you wouldn't have time for it, it might help you keep your mind off the situation and you could stash the $ away for court.
You definately have to choose between the drinking and your little one. Even if you don't have a problem with it sounds like she'll make a big deal out of it.
If you do have a problem with it and think that you can control it while you with your child then you really need to think again. If it's got you......it's got you, no matter who your with.
Good luck
Maid Marion