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Maybe Hillary can help us?

Started by superdad01, May 29, 2007, 10:16:32 AM

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This is a link to her site in the family. Send an email and let them know that us fathers need someone to stand up for us.

Among the issues she has fought for and will make a priority as president are:

Attracting and supporting more outstanding teachers and principals, and paying them like the professionals they are.

Reforming the No Child Left Behind Act. This law represented a promise -- more resources for schools in exchange for more accountability -- and that promise has not been kept.

Giving new parents support and training to promote healthy development for their children.

Increasing access to high-quality early education and helping to create Early Head Start.

Passing legislation to provide respite care for caregivers of elderly and disabled Americans.

Helping to pass the Family and Medical Leave Act to enable new parents to take time off without losing their jobs, and expanding it to make it available to more parents and to provide for longer leave.

Advocating for adoption and for abused and neglected children -- as First Lady, Hillary pushed legislation that more than doubled adoptions out of foster care.

Promoting programs, like Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters, that provide new parents with support and guidance in caring for their children. As First Lady of Arkansas, she helped bring HIPPY to the U.S.

Protecting children against violence and sexual content in the media and studying the impact of electronic media on children's cognitive, social, and physical development.

Providing meaningful support to households, called "kinship care" families, where grandparents and other relatives are raising children.


... of whatever it is you're getting high on?

Hillary is a feminazi.

Under her first presidency th... oops, sorry, her husband's presidency, VAWA was toughened up to the extend that with any DV call, an arrest MUST be made (i.e. the male must be arrested, regardless of who assaulted who). The text of VAWA was kept completely anti-male, with the help of and lobbying  from NOW and.... yes, Hillary.

Look at what a mess she has made out of NYst.

Her refusal to meet with a local father, instead having him thrown in jail without charges just for setting foot in the building her office is - without any restraining or other order from barring him.

Yeah, let's get her elected. It will surely bring the next revolution a lot closer.



of that?

I think that we should get Trish Wilson to be our lobbyist.

Here in Washington state we have Gov. Christine Gregoire, Sen. Patty Murray(mother in tennis shoes), and Sen. Maria Cantwell (can't well vote for equality). They could lead the charge.




Check it out.  NOW (pun)
