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ad litem ?????

Started by John-J-Jay, Apr 11, 2008, 06:03:10 AM

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I'd like your opinion of a few things the ad litem that represents my daughter has told me and what you think she means by her comments.
As most of you know I've had custody of my daughter for almost 9 years since she was 2. I filed a motion to modify visitation and attempt to get child support that I haven't rec'd in 4 years+. And remember when my child was 2 her mother moved 600 miles away giving me custody.

the ad litem has told me over the phone that
1. the current arrangement we have is working very well.
2. she said both her mother and I are good parents.
3. if her mother had custody it would also work (this comment scares me). However, she said it didn't matter who had custody of our child my ex and I would still argue.
4. she said that she would prefer that we both live in the same area. I advised her that since all our family lives here that I didn't want to move and she agreed.
5. she said that my ex was to ridged
6. she said that my child is doing great in school, has numerous friends.

The ad litem told my attorney that when she did the home visits to both homes our child felt more free sprited, happier and confrontable at my home rather than my ex wife's home.

what's your thoughts on this? we are going back to mediation in May and a final hearing is set for August. Does it sound like the ad litem is favoring me?

I have a very hard time seeing them removing our child from my home. I'm the only parent that has been there for our daughter throughout her whole life and the affect it would have on her emotionally would be bad.