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Slogans needed.

Started by FatherTime, Jun 11, 2008, 09:55:35 PM

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Hello Everyone,

I need some help with slogans.  I am going to be streetwalking with a placard, while I am dressed up as "FatherTime" on "Father's Day".  I have come up with two so far, but I am not sure if they are exactly what I want to say.  
One side.... It's Father Time  
Other side.... Gender Bias in Family Court

I will have a printout of the Parenting Act study by Diane Lye, which stated certain things about the county in which I reside in Washington State.

I have recently been totally alienated from my daughter... no father's day for me.  My brother is in the family court now and they are ignoring the truth.  No father's day for him either, because of the temporary parenting plan.

I live in a state with a female governor, and two female U.S. Senators.  I do want to address the state issue, as well as address the national issue of states allowing gender discrimination, the way I see it... It is no different than racial discrimination.



First up I'm both surprised and disappointed to learn of your plight.  You have been solid in helping others.

A possible slogan off the top of my head:
... Where are my children ??

I can still remember the first time I waltzed into Tx family court prepared to inform the court that I was the involved, nuturing and caring parent to all three their entire life.

Standing at the back of the court listening to other cases (and looking at a man with a gun) their beautiful little faces kept flashing in front of me as I realized my kids were in SERIOUS trouble.  It has been 25 plus years since and I'm still asking how ANY government can or would interfere in a family or childs (ren) life in such a blatanly bias and prejudiced way to the detriment of so many.

Nevermind you and me.  Children are clearly ENDANGERED and it SEEMS NOBODY can do anything about it.  Not true !!  I'm certainly not done yet (although almost) and it is GREAT to learn you aren't either.

Best to you and yours !!


Washington, a state where our forefathers have been replaced by three mother.... s.

The courts won't let kids talk to their Heavenly Father in school, nor their earthly fathers at home. We're pretty tired of seeing our children only on Sunday - if that.

 A Father's Day without the kids is just another day.

A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


How bout a play on the old sixties motto:

"Make love, not war. Equal rights for both parents!"

or. . . .

"Forty-six days a year is not joint custody!"
(The average of EOW per year.)


how do the chilren know their loved if you take it away from them?

that is what should be asked