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Horrific Custody Battle

Started by aussierules, Aug 01, 2004, 08:18:53 AM

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Wait until Part 6 and you will see that this almost happened again but something very weird transpired. I do not want to take it out of context but it did catch me off guard.

My judges and I mean plural have seen this and thus far have yet to act. I hope that is because they want to hear it all and not act until all the data is in but only time will tell.

I know this has hurt my child. I know what mum did and continues to do to hurt me has had a consequence for my daughter. She is a strong little lady and she has bounced back. I have managed to prevent any exams for a year now through the skill of my team and being very vigilant. It has been a hard slog though.

My daughter will not talk about her genitalia because she was and is embarassed at what transpired. I continue to reinforce a healthy attitude about how she deals with her own body and I hope that and my tenacious spirit in fighting for her rights will make this a thing of the past. To be honest as I have intimated before if people had been that persistent about my genitals and I was 4/5 I would be touching them a lot also.

I firmly believe that mum's conduct has been disgusting and that unless the judge is just having a bad day that the court will see this and act in my daughter's bestr interests. The thing about women that suffer from problems like this - by the way I believe the making of false accusations of child abuse is largely a female problem, is that they can seem very reasonable as if butter would not melt in their mouths. That does not mean this is totally a female problem but by a great preponderence it is.

Again something else happened that is in Part 6 that I do not want to take out of context but as my old gym teacher used to say I am all over it like a bad smell. If after reading it you still have comments then go ahead and make them and I will do my best to respond.


I am so glad you hired him and yes that was the best thing you did well among other things right.

Keep us updated on thigs.


**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


I have kept up from the first post and would like to saythat you should consult with a writer/editor and team up with them to write a book about this type of situation.  Maybe if you break the seal on this type of abuse (meaning what the mother is doing to your daughter), then maybe the courts will beging to recognize the signs and nip it in the bud before another child has to be traumatized as Sydney has.  I am very impressed with the way you have apparently handled all of this.  I wish you the best and I think I speak for all when I say, you are in our prayers and we will be pulling for you.  


I can't believe that this has gone on as long as it has.  The fact the no one has seen through the BS tells me that they are sleeping on the job.  I feel badly for you and your daughter, thank GOD she has YOU.  That woman sounds like a FLAKE, hope your daughter got more of your genes than mums!


The amount of time (3 1/2 years) and $$$ are quite shocking.

I have learned new ways to be tormented by this woman. I feel that I have learned some important lessons but my little girl did not need to lose her innocence. As I have said when someone's hate for you is greater than the love for their child ... WATCH OUT

My child's mother is an intelligent woman. She is just using that intellect for strange purposes. The state of AZ has no interest in doing a good job it only seeks to do the bare minimum to get by. My case is living testament to that fact.

Once trial is done I will report back to this thread but I still have some more parts to go. Please stay tuned.


and can't wait to hear the rest.  If/when you write the book, please let us know...I will be the first in line!  

I absolutely agree that you should not spend time on Sparc if your daughter is with you.  Your time with her is precious...

Also, just wondering, did you happen upon this site or did someone refer you?


At the behest of my illustrious FTC I am keeping very detailed accounts of what has transpired. The particular portions of interest I think to folks in similar situations would be the period around the false accusations made by mum and how I responded thanks to my team of experts - legal and otherwise. I am not going to take credit but even my criminal attorney - I hired one to prevent the State of AZ from screwing my child & I said that in all his years in criminal law - he has done some very high profile capital cases in this state and is currently doing a similar high profile case in my town in the child sexual abuse area and will be making new law for this state, he never saw a defense and strategy like we put up to take the sting out of the false accusation(s).

I will write a book of some sort because this experience has spanned 3+ years and that is not the blink of an eye. Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman and live in AZ or not the road I have travelled alone most of the time has been a hard one. I am not looking for pity just a chance to share the things I have learned. I am glad that you & others like you have enjoyed reading this if for no other reason than to scratch your heads and go "Oh my God".

I had heard about this site from my FTC. Like I said I was watching for a long while and I thought now was about time to participate. I am finally less than 3 weeks from trial and our judge has said no more delays - yeah baby as the Great Austin Powers would say. I want to be able to frame this for people so they can see what I see in fairly close to real time. If I get the story out before the trial begins then I am in good shape to detail the events of what is already shaping up to make case history in my county and perhaps even AZ. Why you ask? Evidenciary hearings, Findings of Fact, Dad Going for PRC (Primary Residential Care) after having had multiple CPS & Criminal Allegations made. This may not sound great to you all but AZ is sometimes a backwater when it comes to progressive interpretation of the law.

I do not write when my child is here. I focus on her and her alone. She does not need me burying my nose at the computer. Please keep watching & reading. The support of you and others like you is important to me. Honestly.


What is going on, how are you? How is dtr?  My best wishes...nosonew


Today I received the psychological evaluation results from the court appointed psychologist.  I wanted to include this information in the last part of this write up. I realize I have been absent but trial is coming within the next 2 weeks and I am busy. I have not forgotten my obligation to this board. I promise you the last part is worth waiting for. Incidentally I am having many issues dealing with the 63 year old GAL who has a blind spot as big as a house. Coming down the final stretch!


You are only obligated to yourself and your daughter. First things first...your trial.

Posting what you have gone thru will help others know the warning signs and what to do. You have so much to offer, but a few weeks patience is not too much to ask.

I know I have also been wondering about you. And am anxious to read more.  But I can wait...

Let us know how the trial goes

Good Luck and God Bless!