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Another Father WINS!

Started by Tennessee Dad, Sep 13, 2004, 12:50:15 PM

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Tennessee Dad

Just an update, for those who remember my case.  Court testimony concluded September 2nd.  Judge took the case under advisement, to rule on Friday, September 10th.  He didn't get the lawyers closing briefs until Thursday, so he put the decision off till this week.  This morning, about 9:00 a.m., I got the call for my attorney's assistant.  Her opening remark was "the Judge HAS found a material change of circumstance", and I will have FULL custody of my 7yo daughter as of Friday.  

Thanks to those who have responded and encouraged me.  It has been a long, hard-fought battle; but it is worth it.  I will know my daughter will be safe, secure and stable.  

To all those with SPARC:  your information and assistance has been invaluable.  I used the Time Tracker, since August of 2003.  Those records along with ones I had kept prior to that, made my case work easier.  BM's attorney even wanted to know where I got the software.  Thanks, to you all, for a wonderful site.  

Kitty C.

Way to go, TD!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Another child WINS!!!!!!!!!!!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


just when I'm about to give up....I read another post about a NCP getting custody of their kids.  Thanks for giving me hope!

Tennessee Dad

Never, ever, give up when you are standing for the right thing.  

I has been a long, hard, expensive battle.  But, it is worth every minute, and every penny.  


I much prefer to think of cases such as these as the child winning, it is after all their best interest we should all be looking out for. Congratulations to you and your child.


I am glad the judge ruled for the child. It is so important for children to have a safe stable life so they can grow.

Its great to here when another ncp works so hard for the safety of his/her children.

Hopefully in time more courts with throw out the status quo crap and do what is right for these kids instead of usually keeping the children with his/her mother if they should in reality be better with the father.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**

Tennessee Dad

You are SO right!  The child is the winner, but it just feels good as a  Father to win custody of a 7yo daughter.  If I didn't feel it was in her best interest, I wouldn't be here today.  The Judge had the courage to stand up and go against tradition for the child's sake.  

Tennessee Dad

The home study showed the most stable environment, I believe.  Plus, I have a 16yo daughter from a previous marriage living in my home, and the case worker had nothing but raves for her.  She is truly an exceptional young lady, and it shows!  (Thankfully, her Mother and I agreed to raise her together, even if we lived apart!)  

There is no reason a Father shouldn't have the same opportunity to raise his children as a Mother.  It should be a joint responsibility, but my 7yo's Mom doesn't see it that way.  She wanted it all her way, and she wound up losing.  For that mindset, the child loses, also; but her Mom refuses to see that.  I have told my ex- things could be/should be so different, but all she wants to see is I took daughter away from her.   I am sorry she feels that way, but I have always told her I will have to do whatever it takes to take care of our daughter.  And that's all I have done.  


My SC's trial is set for September 28th.  
I hope Judge's with the courage to look at an individual case rather than go along wioth the norm is the new trend.
Best of luck to your family.


So very happy for you and your daughter!    :-)