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One of the Club

Started by NoNicky, Feb 09, 2004, 09:38:08 AM

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My ss would not eat veggie's either.  He dropped them on the floor, dropped his fork on the floor, fell off his chair, slobberd, and then some.  No matter, he eats veggies now.  We still get told we abused him and it has been 4 years.


"To this day I will eat a pkg of frozen brussel sprouts cooked with real butter, salt/pepper, for a snack! "

LOL, Me too!!  My kids LOVE brussells sprouts too!! When I make them with dinner, I have to make TWO packages!!

I suppose I too am guilty.... BUT, what I do, The kids KNOW they must at least TRY whatever it is....  IF they make a comment "eewww that's gross" or anything of the like, they KNOW they WILL eat what is on their plate, AND... get a second helping.  I don't care if they try something, and don't like it, that is fine.... BUT when the negative comments start flying.... THAT is what irks me!!  THEN , it's time for SECONDS!!  **makes for an editorial free meal time, LOL


What is it with everyone putting their peas in their mashed potatoes?  I must be the weird one.  I never did that.  I never wanted to mess up the taste of my mashed potatoes with peas!  However, if I have corn and mashed potatoes they will always be mixed together on my plate!  LOL  I love the way they taste together.

For God has not given a spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind.  1 Peter 1:6


Oh now that is a suggestion I do like.  I'd even be gentle enough to allow a comment of "I don't like this." or something along that line.  I just despise hearing things like "Ewww that's nasty."  Which only comes from my ss.  My kids have learned not to use the word hate.  It took some doing but they finally learned there is a difference between disliking something/one and hating.  They've also realized that like their mom there are very very few things that hate is reserved for because it is so powerful.  

I will say, I hate vinegar, I hate mayo, and I hate fish.  But that comes from a trauma that happened from before I was 2 years old.  Mom swore I couldn't possibly remember it until I described everything that happened to her in vivid detail.  Long story short, I was eating fish, with tartar sauce (made with mayo) and got a fish bone stuck in my throat.  I started turning blue.  I remember being beat upon in an effort to try and get it out.  I was hung upside down while they pounded on my back.  The doctor told them to have me drink massive quantities of straight vinegar to dissolve the bone.  It did the trick but to this day I  cannot handle those things nor anything made with those things.  I am condiment free for the most part.  I joke with my dh that I like my sandwich the same way I like him...naked!

For God has not given a spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind.  1 Peter 1:6


Lol, I was being polite.  Gma is being petty, and is not helping anything.

I remember my son had weird eating jags.  He'd go for a whole month eating nothing but Top Ramen.  One day, I diced some leftover chicken and veggies into it, and he screamed.  Then there were the quesadilla and grilled cheese sandwich marathons.  

He loves Mexican food now, especially Tortilla soup, which is basically vegetable soup with shredded cheese and crunchy tortilla strips.   He's basically meat and potatoes, and at least he's eating that.  There are sneaky ways to incorporate proper nutrition, if it comes to that. Kids love pulling power trips about food.  My grandbaby will walk around with a full mouth rather than swallow.  

I want my kids to also know that actions have consequences.  That's the problem I'm dealing with right now with school.  As for food,  my 9 yr old is also picky.  Nachos with beans, cheese, sour cream and salsa has to have some nutritional value.  Hates soup, except for tomato. Doesn't like mashed potatoes because she caught me throwing a piece of onion into the pressure cooker with the potatoes.  She will eat raw carrots with ranch dressing, though.  I think you'll find that a lot of kids have eating quirks at a young age.  My oldest daughter will finally eat Chinese food, but no one will touch mushrooms.  

This reminds me of that Bill Cosby dialogue about chocolate cake for breakfast.  Hehe, chocolate cake has milk, eggs, and flour.  


Those are about the only vegetables I like.  What is weird is that my adult girls like broccoli, so I learned to steam it until just done, or we dip it raw into ranch dip.  Another one is a family dish.  I can't believe that they all will eat mashed carrots and turnips, but freak out when they see peas.  

I throw away more salad fixings than we eat.  In the summer, when everyone is over for bbq's, we have salad full of everything, coleslaw(kfc knock off recipe), and Best Food's recipe potato salad.  Good thing there are hungry adults to eat it.  The youngest ones won't touch it.  As a matter of fact, the baby won't even eat hot dogs.

Indigo Mom

They're what you use when your hacky sack goes missin'.  They're what you get out of the freezer and chunk upside your big brothers head after he got done beating you to a bloody pulp!  Food?  Nah...LOL  Next to peas, brussel sprouts are the single most disturbing "green food" I can think of.  Egads...my hub likes those.  Blech!

-----staring at a plate full of cold, brussels sprouts that had been boiled until they were gray. -----

That is SOOO wrong of your mother!  How dare she!  grody!!!!!  They turn gray? ew.

-----you will sit there and think about all the starving children in Africa who are lucky enough NOT to get brussels sprouts.-----

The lucky bastids!  Wish I was in Africa when my mom put peas or brussel sprouts on my plate.


Sorry, I have a bad attitude towards brussels sprouts.  Ohhhhh, have you ever had to eat eggplant?  Bleccch, it made my tongue swell up!  Can't eat walnuts for the same reason.

So, tell us.  Do you like liver?  lol, just playing ;-)


Hahaha, more like cattle feed!  I do like peas, but they have to be frozen peas.  I can't afford to buy the fresh ones.  My mother worked for 18 yrs before she got married.  She didn't know how to cook.  She did make a wicked cheescake though :D  My dad taught me how to cook, be mindful of nutrition, but not serve yucky stuff.

Did you get stuck with liver, eggplant, or CAULIFLOWER!!!!  Damn, I forgot about that stuff!  


Eating quirks don't bother me.  I have a 17, 12 & 7 yr old.  I've done the marathon things.  I'm also a mom that will allow cold pizza, grilled cheese, etc for breakfast.  The problem with this particular child is that he is truly malnourished from it.  To the point that the doctor has had to add prescription vitamins and laxatives.  Gma makes no attempt to get him to even try new foods.  He will say he hates a certain thing and it is let go at that.  When you question him you find out it's not necessarily that he hates it, it's that he's never tried it in the first place to form an opinion.  His mother's idea of good nutrition is to open a can of spaghettios and eat them straight from the can.  I do give things like that for lunch sometimes.  But I add some carrot sticks or something like that on the side.  

I love that Cosby routine about the chocolate cake for breakfast!  "Those children, those sweet innocent children... they lied on me!  They told my wife, 'he made us eat it'"  LOL

For God has not given a spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind.  1 Peter 1:6