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Opinions wanted

Started by catherine, Nov 03, 2004, 08:49:18 AM

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I can tell you CPS considers the age pretty low.  DH's ex used to leave the kids home for a few hours while she "ran errands" when they were 11,8 and 8 (twins).  CPS didn't see a problem with it unless it was hurting the children in some way.


several hours at a time.  They are not allowed to make any calls or answer the phone during this time.

Fortunately they've moved, for the last 2 summers they lived on a river and the kids were only 9 and 7.

We called CPS and in WIS there is no age limit.  If the parent feels they are mature enough then its just not a problem.

Ex works almost an hour from their home, and they live over 2 hours for us.  It's very hard for us to do anything about it.

Kitty C.

You mean to tell me that they can't even call 911?????  Sooner or later, something is going to happen.  The law of averages proves that.  Someone may be lurking around outside, someone who has been watching and KNOWS that they are home alone.  What if they get scared?  What if someone tries to break in?  Do they have elec. or gas heat?  Do they have smoke and CO2 detectors?  If not, do they know what the signs of CO2 poisoning is and what to do/not to do about it?  What if it's the dead of winter and the furnace or elec. goes out?

See, there are MANY unknowns here and for them to be ordered NOT to use the phone frightens me to the core.  They can talk to a school official, if they think they might get in trouble talking to you about it.  But they MUST talk to someone about those 'rules'.  Because that is severe negligence in my book.

Is there any time you know or suspect that they are home alone?  Try calling and,  even tho you're certain they will not pick it up, then call the local sheriff's office, tell them of your suspicions, that they would not answer the phone, but you're certain they are there alone and are very concerned for them.  They will get address and contact info from you, go out to investigate, talk to the kids, deem whether they are in 'imminent danger', contact the mom and demand that she come home immediately to talk to them, let you know disposition of the call, then file a report.  That way it takes the kids completely out of the equation of reporting to anyone.

BUT even doing this once is likely to rouse the ire of the BM.  CPS says that as long as the parents are okay with it, they are??  Well, what are you, chopped liver?  ;-)  No, you do NOT agree with it as a parent, hence your reason for talking to them about it.

There's always more than one way to skin a kitty, I always  say.........where there's a will , there's a way.  I just wouldn't want to take the chance that the law of averages would eventually catch up to them and something horrible happens while they are alone.  For sure, she'd go away for a VERY long time for it, but the kids would either be dead or severely injured because of it.  We're talking 'prevention' here....

And as you can tell, it's also one of my pet peeves..........
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


You should check the state law.  I know in the state where my divorce is going through they say it is illegal if the child is under 12.  All the schools have contracted with local daycare to provide after school care for kids up to 12 now.


my son is 12, he has been staying home alone after school for 2hrs (when not at sports practice) since he was 10 (we live in a dead end  with lots of stay home parents so he is usually hanging out at their house)

Now my ss who is 9 no way would I leave him alone, he is not mature enough to do so, he has no street smarts and isn't to aware of his surroundings (but he is getting much better)

I will leave him alone for a short period of time if I have to run to the store, but usually not to long. It really depends on the parent(s), maturity of the child and the area you live in.

Now I can tell you IF we lived where my dh's ex did no way in hell would I leave him alone no no no, so their are so many different factors

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**